Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Blog #57 - Year in Review - Town Accomplishments

Another year has gone by in our great Town and you may wonder what has the Town accomplished this year? Here is a list of some of the highlights of 2009 in chronological order:


Marin Energy Board of Directors Formed: The Town Council voted to appoint Lew Tremaine as the representative from Fairfax to sit on the MEA Board. The MEA Board is in the process of approving a purchase agreement with a preferred vendor to start the process of providing clean energy to many Marin residents.

FOCUS Programs Revived:
The Town Council approved an agreement with Camille Esposito to establish children’s recreational programming in Fairfax by reviving the Fairfax Open Arts Circle (FOCAS) program. Emphasis is on affordability and nurturing the culture that is unique to Fairfax. Program ideas include arts & science, sports, music, dance, a new Mom’s group, and special events. Camille has done a great job and many classes are well attended.


Artists in Residence - Shoshanna and Sam Perry: Our artists in residence have done an incredible job this year with many special events including the repainting of the wall around Central Field. Other great events included: Cake Decorating Contest held in April, a fantastic musical play in July and August titled "Relativity" was written and produced by Sam and included many talented local actors including Shoshanna and her sister Sisi who was appointed to the Park and Recreation Commission this year.

Fairfax Volunteers Spearhead Brush Clearing Project: The Fairfax Volunteers, with support from the Town Council, Ross Valley Fire Department and Town staff, were very successful with a pilot brush clearing project on Scenic and Tamalpais roads. Defensible space was created around many homes that previously had little or no defensible space. The Fire Grant the Town was recently awarded will allow for more brush clearing in many other neighborhoods.

Solar Panels installed on Pavilion Roof in May: These solar panels power the Pavilion, Town Hall, and the Police and Fire Stations! The Fairfax Theater is the first theater in the United States to go solar! Congratulations to Fairfax for leading the way in energy efficiency and reducing our carbon footprint.

Affordable Housing Committee Created: The Town Council created the Affordable Housing Committee and appointed Council Members Larry Bragman and Lew Tremaine, Planning Commissioner Peter Ramsay and community member with experience in affordable housing, Tony Gardner. Two private property owners have approached the Town requesting we work with them to provide affordable housing units on their property. We will have more to report on this in 2010.


Town Budget Adopted: The Town Council adopted the FY 2009/10 budget. It included the loss of $212,000, borrowed by the state to balance its budget. Many thanks to Laurie Ireland-Ashley, Finance Director, for assembling a difficult budget with many cuts, including major reductions to retirement benefits for new hires and requiring many current employees to pay for part of their retirement contribution.

Mission, Vision and Core Values Statement adopted:
After much discussion, in August, the Council adopted the Mission, Vision and Core Values Statement for the Town. Please see below this important document that guides the Town Council, staff and the community.

Emergency Siren Installed for Cascade Neighborhood: In the summer of 2009 an emergency warning siren was installed on Bolinas Road for the Cascade neighborhood. The addition of this siren to the one at Town Hall increases emergency warning coverage to nearly the whole Town. Many thanks to Sgt. Stuart Baker and Police Chief Ken Hughes for making this project happen.

CAMP EARTH: Marin's first totally sustainable Summer Camp was held August 17-21, 2009. All 30 slots were filled and this special camp will return in 2010! Day Campers spent time in Peri Park, at Central Field and at the Pavilion working on art projects and learning about the natural environment and sustainable living practices.

Glen Dr Culvert: This project was finally approved by FEMA in early 2009 and was completed in the fall for $112,000. It involved replacing part of the pipe and improving the culvert that runs under Sir Francis Drake to Glen Drive.

Measure K and Prop 1B Projects Completed: Pastori Storm Drain Project was completed this summer after years of gathering the funding and environmental permits. This storm drain pipe runs down Pastori from Sir Francis Drake Blvd. to the Pastori Bridge. This new and much larger pipe will greatly reduce the flooding that has taken its toll on the neighborhood adjacent to Pastori. Pastori Ave. also received an overlay. Other overlay projects completed in 2009 include: part of Scenic, Hillside, Spring, Inyo, and Mono. The Mono Parking lot was resurfaced and the Women's Club received a resurfacing of the floor, new paint, and other improvements. Many thanks to Director of Public Works Kathy Wilkie for executing many of these projects and daily thanks to Jack Adams, Tom Bruce, Rudy Contratti and John Tierney for maintaining the parks, Town buildings, streets and storm drains in Town.

Hazardous Fuel Reduction Grant: The Town has been granted $168,831 in funding from the USDA Forest Service! Our Fire Hazardous Fuel Reduction grant proposal was one of 397 grant proposals this year requesting a total of $70 million. The grant covers environmental consultation, photo monitoring, and contract administration. We will receive funding in early 2010, so the program will start next spring. Many thanks to former Town staffer Yvonne Roberts for securing this important grant.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory: In August the Town Council accepted the Town of Fairfax 2005 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report and set an emissions reduction target for 2020 of 20% below the 2005 levels. The first step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions is to identify sources of emissions and establish baseline levels. This information can later be used to form possible reduction measures to be included in the climate action plan.

Producer Responsibility: In September the Town Council adopted a resolution supporting extended Producer Responsibility, a policy to hold product manufacturers responsible for the management of their solid waste disposal. Many communities have also passed similar measures and it appears that in the coming year there may be state or federal legislation putting more pressure on manufacturers to come up with more sustainable packaging.


Administrative Enforcement Mechanism: In October the Town Council adopted Ordinance 745 establishing an administrative enforcement mechanism for violations of the Town Code. Prior to this ordinance town staff had to take matters through a formal abatement process which is very expensive and time consuming. Hats off to Mark Lockaby, our Chief Building Official for writing this ordinance.

Oak Manor Abatement: After many months of working with the neighbors and the property owner on Oak Manor Drive who had four goats, two pigs, six sheep, and a dozen chickens (in violation of the Town Code) the Town Council and staff were able to abate this nuisance. Thanks goes to the entire Town Council that wrestled with this issue for many council meetings and to our Planning Director, Jim Moore, Senior Planner, Linda Neal, and Chief Building Official, Mark Lockaby for many hours of work on this.

Labor Agreements: In October, after many months of negotiating with all three labor groups I presented the Town Council with Resolutions approving the Memorandum of Understanding with the Fairfax Police Officers Association, the Fairfax Management Unit, and SEIU Local 1021. All three MOUs have no cost-of-living adjustments through June 30, 2010 and institute a two-tiered retirement system which will save the Town an average of over $13,000 per year per each new hire. Both the Management Unit and SEIU agreed to have employees pay a portion of their retirement contributions. The Town thanks all the staff for bargaining in good faith and understanding the need for these structural changes that will begin the process of creating a long term sustainable Town budget.

Town Council and Measure I Election: It was election season in Fairfax and there was no shortage of citizens interested in serving on the Town Council. Seven candidates ran for three seats. David Weinsoff was returned to the Town Council and Pam Hartwell-Hererro and John Reed were elected to their first term. Measure I was passed by 73% of the voters in Town. This is the municipal services tax of $125/year per dwelling unit and business unit which generates about $465,000 per year to the Town's general fund. Without this vote the Town would have cut this entire amount from the budget. Thank you Fairfaxians for renewing this important measure!

Town Web Page Receives a Facelift: The Town's web page is being redesigned and will include far more information than in the past. It will have a different look, will include information from each department about services they provide and will have more information about the Town Council Members. Many documents will be on line for the first time including the Town Budget. Many of the drop downs are not yet working, but they will be activated in early January. Many thanks to Judy Anderson, Town Clerk and Laurie Ireland Ashley, Finance Director for spearheading this effort.

I hope all residents have a safe and Happy New Year!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Blog #56- Update on the PCE Issue at Fair-Anselm Plaza

I promised in Blog #42 on October 14th, 2009 that I would post another blog as new information becomes available regarding the PCE matter at the Fair Anselm Plaza. I finally have received more information to share with you and apologize that it has taken so long to make progress on this issue:

Yesterday I spoke at length to Brett Moxley, of the Federal EPA, regarding the PCE issue at Broadway Video. EPA and the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) met yesterday to discuss who will be the lead agency in the cleanup. It was agreed that due to the scope and size of this event being small DTSC will take the lead. I have been assured from Mr. Moxley that DTSC will have all the testing completed in two weeks and will have a cleanup plan in place within three to four weeks. Mr. Moxley will also be making sure that DTSC is working at a reasonable pace. The entire building will be tested using the summa canister method and results of the new round of testing by DTSC will be compared with previous tests.

I have been assured from Mr. Moxley that the levels of PCE present DO NOT pose any health risks to patrons of the Fair Anselm Plaza. This was also reiterated to me by DTSC and by the Industrial Hygienist, Paul Spillane who took the initial samples.

The Town is working very hard to make sure this cleanup is done as expeditiously as possible and will be in constant contact with DTSC and the EPA. Thank you for your patience.

Blog #55 - Holiday Potluck, Ice Skating in Fairfax

Sunday, December 13th 3 p.m.- 7 p.m. Women’s Club, 46 Park Road, Fairfax

Come join us for this festive, fun-filled event, which includes holiday caroling, wreath making, a visit from Santa Claus at 4:00 p.m., and a supper potluck. Bring your favorite dish to share. Make new friends or re-connect with old ones! This year we are sponsoring a food drive for the Marin Food Bank, so please bring some canned goods to donate. For more information, call Maria Baird at 456-5652 or go to our website at

HOLIDAY ICE SKATINGSaturday & Sunday, January 2 & 3, 2010, 12 noon – 5 p.m., Pavilion

Time to put on those skates and get in the rink! The Fairfax Parks & Recreation Commission will sponsor their third annual ice skating event on a synthetic rink in the Pavilion. This event promises to be lots of family fun and may sell out, so get your tickets early! Prices are $5 for adults and $3 for kids for a half hour of skating. Rental skates are included in the price of admission. Hot cocoa and baked goodies will be available for sale as well. Tickets will be sold at the door, beginning at 11:30 a.m. on both days. For more information, please call Maria Baird, Community Resources Coordinator, at 456-5652 or check out our website at

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Blog #54 - Draft Circulation Element Discussed (Town Council Actions from December 2nd)

The Fairfax Town Council discussed the draft Circulation Element of the General Plan and made some changes to the draft. It will be discussed by the Council several more times and will be adopted as part of the General Plan after all elements are complete, public hearings held on each element and the environmental review process is complete.

The Fairfax Town Council has set the date of January 30, 2010 for the Community Fire Forum. All residents are encouraged to attend the Fire Forum where policies related to defensible space, fire hydrant and sprinkler system improvements will be discussed. The Town has been awarded a fire grant to clear brush from neighborhoods to create defensible space. The grant will begin in the spring of 2010.

Other actions taken at the December 2, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting:

1. Appointed Efren Alba to serve on the Volunteer Board for a three-year term to December 31, 2012.

2. Adopted a Resolution honoring the Sicroff Family for their volunteer efforts for the Town of Fairfax and for their designation as the Apple Family Works 2009 Family of the Year.

3. Heard a presentation from Dawn Weisz, Interim Executive Director of the Marin Energy Authority regarding the Power Purchase Agreement with a preferred vendor.

4. Adopted a Resolution supporting the Local Taxpayer, Public Safety and Transportation Protection Act of 2010. This act is a proposed statewide initiative sponsored by the League of California Cities which would close all loopholes the state currently has regarding borrowing or stealing local government monies.

5. Adopted a Resolution creating a Town Finance Committee consisting of the Mayor, Town Treasurer, Town Manager and Finance Director.

6. Authorized the Mayor to sign a letter of commitment for the State Energy Program application of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) regarding the Bay Area Regional Residential Building Retrofit Program.

7. Adopted a Resolution authorizing the filing of an Application for Energy Efficiency and Block Grant Program Funding for the Downtown Streetlight Replacement Project.

8. Adopted a Resolution establishing an Administrative Citation Fee Schedule.

9. Approved Town response to the Grand Jury request regarding the Homeless.

10. Heard a report on Temporary Homeless Shelters at St. Rita’s Church and Christ Lutheran Church.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Blog #53-Town Council Members Choose new Mayor

The newly formed Town Council unanimously voted for Lew Tremaine as the next Mayor of Fairfax at the Special Council meeting on November 30th. Larry Bragman was voted Vice Mayor. The Town Council also honored through resolutions outgoing Council Members Susan Brandborg (19 years on the Council) and Mary Ann Maggiore (4 years on the Council) for their important contributions to the Town. Other actions from the Special Meeting included:

  • Adoption of Resolution 09-74 reciting the fact of the General Election held on November 4, 2009, declaring the result and such matters as provided by law. The final and official results of the election are as follows:

Town Council Member (vote for three):

JOHN REED116918.27%
WENDY BAKER78312.24%
Write-in Votes10.02%



  • Oath of Office was administered to returning Council Member David Weinsoff, newly elected members John Reed and Pam Hartwell-Hererro.

    There is a Regular Town Council meeting on December 2, 2009. See the agenda for this meeting below:

  • Wednesday, November 25, 2009

    Blog #52 - Chamber Downtown Holiday Party

    The Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a FAIRFAX DOWNTOWN HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE ON DECEMBER 5 AND 6.

    On Saturday SANTA CLAUS will be at the BEACH HOUSE STYLE ( Center Blvd) from 1-4 PM

    On Sunday SANTA CLAUS will be at the Butterfly and Potting Shed (Bolinas Road) from 11-1 PM and again from 2:30-4:30 PM.

    Also on Sunday there will be Horse and Buggy rides through Downtown.

    See attached flyer for additional information!!

    Monday, November 23, 2009

    Blog #51 - Thefts Can Be Prevented

    Series of Thefts in Fairfax

    During the last three weeks, the Fairfax Police Department has seen a spike in the number of thefts reported. The thefts are concentrated to the Bolinas Road, Cascade Drive and Manor Road areas. There have been 7 thefts from vehicles, 3 stolen bicycles and 2 stolen cars.

    All of the thefts are “opportunistic” in that the suspects are only targeting unlocked cars and bicycles that are left fronting residences or in carports and are not locked. The two stolen cars were not locked. One of which had a spare key in the vehicle.

    There may be other thefts that have not been reported. We encourage anyone who may have seen or heard anything suspicious to call the Fairfax Police Department. If anyone has been the victim of a theft and not yet reported it, we would like you to call us as well.

    We would like to remind all of our residents to lock their cars and homes as well as bicycles and any other valuables to discourage thefts. As the holiday seasons approach thefts usually increase. By taking steps to put away valuables and lock your cars and homes, many thefts can be prevented.

    Thursday, November 19, 2009

    Blog #50 Fairfax Volunteers Annual Potluck/Caroling

    Sunday, December 13th 3 p.m.- 7 p.m. Women’s Club, 46 Park Road, Fairfax

    Come join us for this festive, fun-filled event, which includes holiday caroling, wreath making, a visit from Santa Claus at 4:00 p.m., and a supper potluck. Bring your favorite dish to share. Make new friends or re-connect with old ones! This year we are sponsoring a food drive for the Marin Food Bank, so please bring some canned goods to donate. For more information, call Maria Baird at 456-5652 or go to our website at


    HOLIDAY ICE SKATING – Saturday & Sunday, January 2 & 3, 2010, 12 noon – 5 p.m., Pavilion

    Time to put on those skates and get in the rink! The Fairfax Parks & Recreation Commission will sponsor their third annual ice skating event on a synthetic rink in the Pavilion. This event promises to be lots of family fun and may sell out, so get your tickets early! Prices are $5 for adults and $3 for kids for a half hour of skating. Rental skates are included in the price of admission. Hot cocoa and baked goodies will be available for sale as well. Tickets will be sold at the door, beginning at 11:30 a.m. on both days. For more information, please call Maria Baird, Community Resources Coordinator, at 456-5652 or check out our website at

    Tuesday, November 10, 2009

    Blog #49 Marin Energy Authority Worksops

    The Marin Energy Authority is holding workshops for the general public at two locations in order to explain how the transition from PG&E to Marin Energy Authority would affect the average customer and to answer any questions the public may have regarding the Marin Energy Authority. Please see the attached flyer for all the information about the workshops.

    Thursday, November 05, 2009

    Blog #48 - Town Council Actions from November 4th Meeting

    At the November 4, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting the following actions were taken:

    1. Re-appointed Melanie Peratis to serve on the Volunteer Board for a full three year term to November 30, 2012.

    2. Accepted and filed the September 2009 Monthly Financial Report, the Quarterly Treasurer’s Report and the Quarterly Financial Report for the months of July-September 2009.

    3. Adopted a Resolution approving the purchase and sale agreement and related documents with respect to the sale of the seller’s Proposition 1A receivable from the State; and directing and authorizing certain other actions in connection therewith.

    4. Approved an amendment to the Town Manager’s contract to include an out of pocket contribution to the employee portion of retirement to match the contribution agreed to in the Management Employees MOU.

    5. Approved a letter for the Mayor’s signature to Attorney General Jerry Brown objecting to Sutter Health taking millions of dollars in profit out of Marin County and into their corporation.

    6. Adopted a resolution adopting rules for the use of the Fairfax Tennis Courts and specifically bans the playing of music on the courts.

    7. Approved the Town response to the Grand Jury inquiry regarding the makeup and operation of the Fairfax Town Council.

    8. Discussed with Sharon Sagar, President of the Ross Valley School District Board of Trustees the need for the school district to build a new elementary school and expand the middle school.

    Wednesday, November 04, 2009

    Blog #47 Election Results

    Fairfax voters have spoken and the unofficial final results are as follows:

    TOWN OF FAIRFAX - Member, Town Council
    Number of Precincts 5
    Precincts Reporting 5 100.0 %
    Vote For 3
    Times Counted 2022/5208 38.8 %
    Total Votes 5218

    DAVID WEINSOFF96018.40%
    JOHN REED94718.15%
    WILLIAM B. MADSEN71513.70%
    SUSAN BRANDBORG70313.47%
    WENDY BAKER63712.21%
    Write-in Votes10.02%

    TOWN OF FAIRFAX - MEASURE I (2/3 Vote Needed)
    Number of Precincts 5
    Precincts Reporting 5 100.0 %
    Vote For 1
    Times Counted 2022/5208 38.8 %
    Total Votes 1993


    YES 1452 72.85%
    NO 541 27.15%

    Congratulations to Pam, David and John on their election to the Town Council!! Thanks to all the candidates for running a professional and respectful campaign. Thanks to Susan Brandborg for 19 years of service and to Mary Ann Maggiore for four years of service to the Town on the Town Council.

    On behalf of the Town Council and staff I thank all Fairfaxian voters who voted in favor of Measure I. I know this was not an easy decision given the economic times and I deeply appreciate the overwhelming support for Measure I and the public's willingness to continue to fund essential services. I also would like to thank the Measure I Committee, and all the public safety employees that, on their own personal time, walked the neighborhoods and campaigned for Measure I.

    Michael Rock, Town Manager

    Tuesday, November 03, 2009

    Blog #46 - Election Day, Town Council Meeting


    Today is election day and the polls are open until 8 PM. On the ballot in Fairfax are three Town Council Seats and Measure I (Renewal of the Municipal Services Tax - aka Measure F). There are seven candidates running for the three seats, and two are incumbents. In a small town like Fairfax every vote will count so I encourage all registered voters to make sure they vote. The election results may not be certified right away. If the number of votes separating the candidates (or the yes and no votes) is too close to call then the election will not be certified for as many as two weeks. I will have an update on the election results in my blog tomorrow.

    Measure I requires a 2/3 majority so every vote will count in Fairfax.


    There is a Town Council meeting tomorrow November 4th. An appointment to the Volunteer Board, the quarterly finance report and a letter to Attorney General Jerry Brown regarding Sutter Health are some of the issues the Council will be considering. See the agenda for the meeting below.

    Tuesday, October 27, 2009

    Blog #45 - Special Events in Fairfax on October 31

    There are three special events on October 31st:

    Chamber of Commerce sponsors Halloween Parade:

    The Fairfax Chamber of Commerce is once again sponsoring the "not to be missed" annual Halloween Parade. Meet in front of the Fairfax Theater and walk down Broadway and Bolinas Rd. to Bolinas Park where you will find a Haunted Grove for the children. Glow necklaces and candy for all and Face Painting by Tatyana and Marie Kate by the Fairfax Theater.

    Parade starts at 5 PM. This event is not to be missed due to the incredible costumes you can only see in Fairfax!

    Good Harvest Festival in Peri Park:

    This event takes place from 11-4 PM in Peri Park. There will be live music, pumpkin carving, great foods, Arts and Crafts, games and much more!! There is no admission fee!!

    Halloween Ball at Pavilion:

    For Halloween come to Fairfax for the most fun and excitement. THE FAIRFAX HALLOWEEN BALL is for adults over the age of 18 years, enjoy and dance to live bands: THE FOUR FEAR DROPS and S'CREAM hosted by Lee Presson & Leslie Presley of "Lee Presson and the Nails", with a grand costume contest with CASH awards at the Fairfax Pavilion. Tickets are available at the door starting at 7:30 p.m. The event is from 8 p.m. to midnight. Tickets are $10. at the door or $8.00 in advance at:

    MAIN MUSIC SHOWCASE is sponsored and produced by MARIN ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL NETWORK, a non-profit 501c3 and also produces and presents local Marin Television show, THE MARIN ARTISTS SHOWCASE. In Marin tune in to Marin Cable Channel (Community Media Center of Marin) #26, on Wednesdays at 10:00 p.m.

    Marin Artists International Network (MAIN) is not a membership organization and has a Board of Directors. We welcome volunteers to help us with our fundraisers and our programs. We use 60 volunteers for our big fundraiser at the Marin County 4th of July Fair, with our "Heart Healthy Gourmet". Please call or e-mail us.

    Thursday, October 22, 2009

    Blog #44 Public Meeting in Larkspur on Doyle Drive

    Marin Community Meeting: November 2, 2009

    Learn More about Construction which will Begin in November 2009

    After years of intensive regional coordination, environmental reviews and careful planning, construction of the Presidio Parkway, the Doyle Drive replacement, will begin more than a year ahead of schedule, thanks to $50 million in federal stimulus funding. As a result, the region will receive a safer roadway sooner, as well as many new jobs for Bay Area workers. Construction of the Presidio Parkway will begin in November 2009 with substantial project completion expected in 2013. 

    You are invited to a community meeting to learn more about construction of the Presidio Parkway. Join the Doyle Drive Replacement Project Team:

    When: Monday, November 2, 2009 6:00-7:30 p.m.

    Where: Redwood High School, Cafeteria, 395 Doherty Dr., Larkspur, CA 94939

    Meeting Agenda:

    Open House 6:00-6:15

    Presentation 6:15-6:45

    Resume Open House 6:45-7:30

    About the Doyle Drive Replacement Project

    Doyle Drive is structurally deficient and must be replaced; the new roadway is being re-envisioned as the Presidio Parkway-a roadway tucked into the natural contours of the Presidio of San Francisco and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, one of the nation’s largest urban parks.

    Visit to learn more.

    Monday, October 19, 2009

    Blog #43 - Town Settles Labor Agreements

    The Town Council settled all three labor agreements at the Town Council meeting on October 7, 2009. Please see the attached press release detailing the terms and conditions of all three labor

    Wednesday, October 14, 2009

    Blog #42 - Broadway Video Store Closure

    As many of you may know, Broadway Video Store at 711 Center Blvd. (Fair Anslem Center) closed its doors on Monday, October 12, 2009 due to the owner, George Bianchini deciding to close due to a report he received from Environmental Resource Group stating that there are high levels of PCE (perchloroethylene) which is used in the dry cleaning business. The dry cleaning business next door to Broadway Video no longer uses the active ingredient in PCE as of January of this year. This is a voluntary closure by the owner of Broadway Video. It is unknown when the video store may re-open.

    The report from Environmental Resource Group was commissioned by Mr. Bianchini. Environmental Resource Group was clear in their report that,

    "...definition and evaluation of environmental conditions is difficult and inexact science. Judgments leading to conclusions are generally made with incomplete knowledge of the conditions present. More extensive studies can reduce the inherent uncertainties. The soil-gas sampling performed for this investigation was performed for preliminary screening purposes. More accurate and confirmation sampling would be needed for risk assessment purposes."

    The Marin County Environmental Health Department is investigating the situation. After they review the report written by Environmental Resource Group and visit the site they may determine that confirmation sampling is needed.

    A clean bill of health was issued after the 2001 clean up of PCE at the Fair Anselm site. All of the other businesses in Fair Anselm are open.

    Industrial Hygienist, Paul Spillane has stated that the levels of PCE at the site are "unlikely to be harmful to customers or casual visitors." and he went on to state that, "the percentages in the report refer to long-term exposure levels and this is not an immediate health hazard".

    PCE is legal and is used by both the film and dry cleaning business. PCE is being phased out in the dry cleaning business as new technologies are available and are non toxic.

    As of the posting of this blog no federal, state or local agency has evaluated the site. County Environmental Health will have more information soon. The Independent Journal published an article on Tuesday, October 13, 2009 related to the video store.

    I will update this blog as new information becomes available.

    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    Blog #41 - Winter Season Preparations

    The forecast is predicting more rain through the end of tomorrow. Please be sure to remove leaves from your roof gutters and drains. Our public works staff has cleaned the storm drains throughout Town. There may be temporary back ups of the storm drain systems because of the intensity of this storm system.

    If you see any public storm drains that are plugged up please call Public Works at 453-2587. In case of power failures it is a good idea to have a little extra food and bottled water in the winter months.

    Thursday, October 08, 2009

    Blog #40 Town Council Actions from October 7, 2009 Meeting

    The Town Council met for more than three hours yesterday and took the following actions:

    1. Appointed Monty Stephens to serve on the Park and Recreation Commission for a full four year term to October 31, 2013.

    2. Congratulated Fairfax residents and high school athletes Sven Beer, Tommy Breeze, Mitch Calder, Lauren Catlin, Nick Dommen and Riley Predum for qualifying and competing in the 2009 National Mountain Bike Championships in Colorado.

    3. Honored 19 Broadway for all of their contributions to the Town on their 25th anniversary in Fairfax and announced their Grand Re-opening.

    4. Heard a presentation from Dawn Weisz, Interim Director of the Marin Energy Authority (MEA) regarding the potential vendors that are bidding to supply power to the MEA.

    5. Authorized the Town Manager to sign a contract with the Marin Conservation Corps for the construction of a pathway with grant funding at Deer Park School.

    6. Adopted a Resolution approving the Memorandum of Understanding with the Fairfax Police Officers Association, the Fairfax Management Unit, and SEIU Local 1021. All three MOUs have no cost-of-living adjustment through June 30, 2010 and institute a two-tiered retirement system which will save the Town an average of over $13,000 per year per each new hire. Both the Management Unit and SEIU agreed to having employees pay a portion of their retirement contributions. The Town thanks all the staff for bargaining in good faith and understanding the need for these structural changes that will begin the process of creating a long term sustainable Town budget.

    7. The Council agreed to close Town Hall December 21-23. December 24-25 are holidays and Town Hall will be closed both of these days as well.

    8. The Council agreed to hold the January 2010 Council Meeting on January 13th instead of the traditional first Wednesday of January due to the New Year’s Day Holiday.

    9. The Council agreed to not renew the Management Analyst-Limited Term position. This will save the Town $70,000 for the rest of this fiscal year including the $40,000 the Council authorized to continue to work with FEMA on reimbursements for the December 31, 2005 floods, pursue new grants and implement two grants awarded this year.

    10. Adopted Ordinance 746 amending chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of the Fairfax Town Code regarding regulations for parks, playgrounds, tennis courts and the central ball field.

    11. Approved a “Town Fire Forum” in partnership with the Ross Valley Fire Department to discuss with the community defensible space, fire sprinklers, and fire hydrant upgrade costs. Stay tuned for more information on when the “Town Fire Forum” will take place.

    12. Adopted a resolution setting guidelines for all Town Council appointed commissions, committees, and boards.

    13. The Council agreed to hold a Special Council Meeting on November 30, 2009 to seat the newly elected Town Council.

    The next Regular Town Council meeting is November 4, 2009. Election Day is November 3rd.

    Tuesday, October 06, 2009

    Blog #39 - Council Meeting Tomorrow, October 7th

    The Town Council will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 pm at the Women's Club on 46 Park Drive on a number of important issues including:

    1. Appointing a candidate to the Parks and Recreation Commission
    2. Honoring 19 Broadway for their 25 years of service to the community and for their Grand Re-opening
    3. Approving labor agreements which covers all employees of the Town.
    4. Hearing a presentation by Dawn Weisz regarding the process for selecting a vendor to provide an energy supply to the Marin Energy Authority.

    You can view the agenda on line at Once you reach the home page for the Town click on the Government drop down and then Town Council. The Town web site is being repaired each week. Right now you can get the Town Council meeting agenda from the web site. In the next several weeks we will have all of the drop down sites working. We apologize for this inconvenience. When completed the web site will have much more information for the public to access, including the Town Budget, monthly agendas for all public meetings, information about each department, information about capital projects, the Town Code, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report, and much more.

    Friday, September 25, 2009

    Blog #38 - MCSTOPPP Annual Report

    The Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (MCSTOPPP) Annual Report is now available online.

    Here's the link to the report:

    MCSTOPPP comprises local storm water pollution prevention efforts by each municipality and a countywide program funded jointly by the municipalities and administered by the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District within the County Department of Public Works.

    The Marin General Services Authority provides programmatic and budgetary oversight. Budgets are approved by the District’s Board of Supervisors. MCSTOPPP has developed a creek focused approach to storm water pollution prevention by integrating habitat restoration, school-based education, volunteer projects, and public education with public works maintenance and code enforcement.

    Monday, September 21, 2009

    Blog # 37 FAIRFAX Partners with Street Smarts Marin

    The Town of Fairfax is pleased to be a Street Smarts Marin partner. You no doubt have seen the Street Smarts banners and signs around the eight participating communities targeting speeding, stopping at stop signs and lights, crosswalk safety and bicycling safety issues. Also, all school families received Safe Driving brochures aimed at driving behaviors especially around schools and teaching children safe habits (see attached). We are very interested in your feedback about the Program. Please take a minute to answer the Street Smarts Marin Community Questionnaire at:

    To learn more about the program go to:

    The Streets Smarts website is at: website:}

    Friday, September 11, 2009

    Blog #36 Ross Valley Fire offices move back to San Anselmo

    The Ross Valley Fire Department will be moving into the newly refurbished downtown fire station in San Anselmo on Thursday and Friday, September 17 and 18. The administrative offices of the fire department, which have been located at the Fairfax Station at 10 Park Road, will be closed during the move. This includes the Fire Inspector, who will not be scheduling any inspections for that time.

    You will still be able to leave voicemail messages for department personnel during this time, with the exception of a two hour window while the phone system is moved.

    The administrative offices will re-open for business in Station 19 at 777 San Anselmo Avenue at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, September 21.

    If you have any questions, please call 258-4686

    Wednesday, September 09, 2009

    Blog #35 - Candidates Night for Fairfax Town Council

    The Fairfax Chamber of Commerce and the League of Women Voters of Marin County is sponsoring a Candidates Night for all seven candidates for the Fairfax Town Council. The event will be held at 7:30 PM on September 30, 2009 at the Women's Club on Park Drive. Election Day is November 3, 2009 and vote by mail starts October 5, 2009.

    Come listen to and question all candidates for Town Council

    Wendy Baker
    Susan Brandborg
    Pam Hartwell-Herrero
    Christopher H. Lang
    William B. Madsen
    John Reed
    David Weinsoff

    Thursday, September 03, 2009

    Blog #34 - Council Actions from September 2, 2009 Meeting

    At the September 2, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting the following actions were taken:

    1. Appointed David Johansen to the Volunteer Board for a three year term ending September 30, 2012 and appointed Sisi Parry-Hansen to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission for a four year term ending August 31, 2013.

    2. Received a presentation from Mimi Newton, Chair of the Fairfax Open Space Committee on the activities of the Open Space Committee over the last year.

    3. Proclaimed September 2009 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

    4. Declared a 50 acre parcel on Oak Manor Drive to be a public nuisance and ordered the property owner to abate the nuisance within 60 days. The abatement includes removing livestock, fowl, and a recreational vehicle not allowed under the current zoning of the property.

    5. Adopted a resolution supporting extended Producer Responsibility, a policy to hold product manufacturers responsible for the management of solid waste disposal

    6. Adopted Ordinance 742 regarding the 50% remodel ordinance

    7. Adopted Ordinance 745 establishing an administrative enforcement mechanism for violations of the Town Code

    The next regular meeting of the Fairfax Town Council will be October 7, 2009.

    Some items scheduled for discussion and consideration on October 7th are: consideration of a solid waste and recycling contract with Marin Sanitary Service; second reading and adoption of an ordinance regarding regulations for parks, playgrounds, public tennis courts and central ball field; and the annual audit report for FY 2007/08.

    Wednesday, September 02, 2009


    The BAY BRIDGE will be CLOSED beginning at 8 PM on Thursday September 3rd and will remain CLOSED until 5 AM on Tuesday, September 8th. Please see attachments below for alternative routes and other information.

    Blog #32 - Town Council Meets Tonight

    The Town Council will hold its regular meeting tonight (September 2, 2009) in the Women's Club at 46 Park Drive starting at 7:30 PM. Some items to be discussed are:

    • Report on the status of the State Budget and the impact on the Town of Fairfax

    • Adoption of a Resolution in support of Extended Producer Responsibility, a policy to hold product manufacturers responsible for the management of waste disposal

    • Second reading and adoption of Ordinance 745 establishing an Administrative Enforcement Mechanism for violation of the Town Code

    • Introduction and first reading of Ordinance 746 amending chapters 12.36 and 12.40 of the Town Code regarding regulations for Parks, Playgrounds, public Tennis Courts and Central Ball field

    • Adoption of a resolution regarding Guidelines for all Town Council appointed Commissions, Committees, and Boards

    See attachments below for the full agenda for tonight's meeting:

    Wednesday, August 19, 2009

    Blog #31 - Doyle Drive Detour Route

    The long awaited reconstruction of Doyle Drive in San Francisco is about to begin. Step one is tree removal which will take place on the weekends early in the morning starting next week.
    Please see the two documents below for the information and the detour map.

    Thursday, August 06, 2009

    Blog #30 – Town Council Actions from August 5, 2009 meeting

    At the August 5, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting the following actions were taken:

    1. Honored Karen Arnold for her many contributions serving on the Parks and Recreation Commission for the last six plus years.

    2. Accepted Upper Scenic Road as a Town maintained street

    3. Adopted a Resolution opposing the proposed California Constitutional amendment ballot measure misleadingly referred to as the “Taxpayers Right to Vote Act”. This is a statewide proposition, sponsored by PG&E, requiring local governments to obtain a 2/3 vote of the electorate before providing a community choice aggregation electricity program.

    4. Heard testimony from 9 residents in the Oak Manor neighborhood regarding complaints about unpermitted keeping of livestock and fowl on an undeveloped 50 acre parcel on Oak Manor Drive. The Council agreed on a 4-1 vote to require the property owner to apply for a conditional use permit and be before the Planning Commission as soon as possible to decide the merits of a conditional use permit. The Council will consider nuisance abatement proceedings on September 2, 2009 if the property owner has not applied for a conditional use permit.

    5. Accepted the Grand Jury report titled “Saving Marin Major Crimes Task Force” as presented by the Police Department.

    6. Accepted the Town of Fairfax 2005 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report and set an emissions reduction target for 2020 of 20% below the 2005 levels.

    7. Discussed a contract for Solid Waste and Recycling Services with Marin Sanitary Service

    8. Adopted a Vision, Mission and set of Core Values for the Town. See below the Vision, Mission and Core Values Statement

    9. Approved the annual MOU with the Town of San Anselmo for jointly sponsored recreation programs.

    The next regular meeting of the Fairfax Town Council will be September 2, 2009. Some items scheduled for discussion and consideration on September 2nd are: consideration of a solid waste and recycling contract with Marin Sanitary Service; second reading and adoption of an ordinance relating to an administrative citation program; second reading and adoption of an ordinance relating to a 50% remodel; report on the state budget impacts on the Town budget; and the annual audit report for FY 2007/08.

    Tuesday, August 04, 2009

    Blog #29 - State Budget Decisions Hurt Town Budget

    The State legislators and the Governor balanced the State Budget recently. You may remember that in February of this year the state adopted an 18-month budget. Since February the state accumulated a $26 billion deficit.

    On July 28, 2009 the Governor signed a 27-bill package of budget solutions including:

    Spending Cuts: $16.1 BILLION:

    $820 Million in pay cuts to state employees or a 15% pay cut for 200,000 workers;
    $9.3 Billion in education cuts;
    $3 Billion in health and human services cuts;
    $2.97 Billion in corrections, state parks and elimination/consolidation of state boards

    Fund Shifts: $1.0 Billion
    Revenues: $3.5 Billion

    Borrowing: $2.2 Billion-$1.935 BILLION is the 8% local property tax grab
    Other: $1.4 Billion - Payroll shift and health premium delays for state workers

    How does the state budget affect the Town's budget?

    The Prop 1A property tax grab amounts to about $250,000 in lost revenue to our Town budget. The state must pay this back in three years with interest. In the meantime the Town is short the $250K and must borrow this amount from its own reserves to balance the budget.

    In addition to the state borrowing our property tax for three years, the Town's Measure F, a special municipal services tax is up for renewal on November 3rd of this year. Measure F represents $465,000 per year to the Town. The two attachments below summarize how Measure F has been spent over the last four plus years by the Town and provides other information relating to the town budget and Measure F.

    If Measure F is not renewed by June 2010 the Town will be short $715,000 by this time next year.

    Balancing next year's Town Budget will be a major challenge.

    Thursday, July 30, 2009

    Blog #28 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report

    The Town staff has completed a Greenhouse Emissions Inventory Report. The first step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions is to identify sources of emissions and establish baseline levels. This information can later form the selection of a reduction target and possible reduction measures to be included in the climate action plan. See the attachments below for the Executive Summary. If you would like the full report (62 pages) please contact Yvonne Roberts, Management Analyst for the Town at 458-2339.

    Thursday, July 23, 2009

    Blog #27 Relativity-The Musical

    Come see RELATIVITY - The Musical!

    First written in 2006, Sam Parry's RELATIVITY - the musical is the tale of a young girl's discovery of the value of math and science. The story unfolds in present-day suburbia, where it is Sunday evening in the Iganowski's home. Scolded by her parents to get on with her homework assignment in preparation for the National Science Quiz, teenager Mishka is reminded that wining the Quiz will pay all of her college tuition. Mishka complains to herself about the uselessness of math and science. Falling asleep over her desk, she is awakened by the appearance of 'Z' and the Subatomic Particles who offer to take her on a journey of discovery.

    There will be eight performances only: July 24, 25, 30, 31 and August 1, 6, 7, and 8

    All shows Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 PM at the Fairfax Pavilion

    Adults $17.50, Seniors and Students $10

    For more information please go to:

    Tuesday, July 21, 2009

    Blog #26 - Creek Clean Up Day

    The Fairfax Creek Clean-Up Day will be this Saturday at 9 AM. Meet at the Youth Center on Park Drive between the Fire Station and Peri Park. See flyer for all the details.

    Friday, July 17, 2009

    Blog # 25 CAMP EARTH

    CAMP EARTH - Marin's First Totally Sustainable Summer Camp

    August 17-21, 2009

    The Towns of Fairfax and San Anselmo through their joint recreational programs is offering the first totally sustainable summer camp in Farifax at Peri Park. See attachment for all the details. There is still space available.

    Monday, July 06, 2009

    Blog #24 - Community Emergency Response Training Classes Offered




    In the event of a major disaster, professional emergency services may be overwhelmed and unavailable for long periods of time. The widespread needs of the community will depend upon voluntary assistance. With this in mind, the fire departments in Marin County have adopted a citizen training program called Community Emergency Response Training (CERT). CERT is designed to provide hands-on training to become self-sufficient for at least 72 hours following a disaster such as an earthquake, flood, or a wildland fire. The program is presented in a three-day format, which includes one three-hour session and two six-hour sessions with a one-hour break for lunch.

    Class 1: Thursday, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
    Class 2: Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    Class 3: Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

    Information covered includes:
    Introduction/Emergency Preparedness, Light Search and Rescue, Disaster First Aid, Fire Prevention/Suppression, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and a Disaster Simulation.

    Thursday classes will be taught at the Corte Madera Fire Department
    342 Tamalpais Drive at Pixley, Corte Madera
    Saturday classes will be taught at The College of Marin, in TB1.

    Class sessions for 2009 are scheduled for:

    February 19, 21, 28.
    July 16, 18, 25
    November 5,7,14

    The cost of the training is $30 per person.
    For further information, call the
    Corte Madera Fire Department at 927-5077

    Thursday, July 02, 2009

    Blog #23 Council Adopts Town Budget, Approves Ballot Language for extending Measure F

    At the July 1, 2009 regular Town Council Meeting the following actions were taken:

    The Town Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2009/10 budget. The following appropriations were approved: Operating budget: $6,939,900; Capital Budget $2,132,008; Retirement, Unrestricted Reserve, and other special non-general fund programs $3,091,661. The Council approved a budget with no cost-of-living adjustments for staff and a 4% reduction in operating costs in general fund budget units and borrowing $306,591 from the Town’s unrestricted reserves also known as the “Dry Period Fund”. The Town received 2% less in property tax revenues in 2008/09 than the previous year and is anticipating no additional revenues for 2009/10 due to reassessments of many homes in Fairfax and fewer homes turning over. The Town received about 20% less revenues in building and planning permit fees in 2008/09 from the previous year and we are expecting 2009/10 to be another down year in planning and building permit revenues. Another reason for the reduction in expenditures is the Town is anticipating the State will take about $268,000 from Fairfax to balance the State budget.

    The Council adopted the ballot language for placing the extension of Measure F on the November 3, 2009 ballot for voter approval. The current Measure F expires on June 30, 2010. Measure F represents $465,000 per year to the Town’s $6.9 million general fund budget. The ballot language will be asking for an extension at the same rate of $125 per dwelling unit and business occupancy per year for another five years. This is an extension of an existing property tax. The Town is not asking for any new or additional tax. The ballot language is:

    Renewal of a Special Municipal Services Tax:

    Shall an ordinance be adopted approving the renewal of a special Fairfax municipal services tax of $125 per year for each business occupancy and dwelling unit, for a period of five years, to be used exclusively to:
    · Maintain 24-hour, 7 days per week staffing of Police and Fire Services
    · Perform Public Works safety improvements
    · Meet Matching Funds requirements needed to receive state and federal public works grants
    · Revitalize Youth Programs
    and continue the citizens’ oversight committee that monitors the use of the revenues from this tax?
    Yes_______ No______

    Adopted a Resolution authorizing the Town Attorney to cooperate with the League of California Cities as well as cities and counties in litigation challenging the constitutionality of any seizure by State government of HUTA funds (Gas Tax Funds)

    Denied appeal of the Planning Commission’s denial of a request for a setback variance, a height variance, encroachment permit and a second unit use permit in order to construct a second unit underneath an existing three story, single-family residence and to construct parking for the second unit at 177 Frustuck Avenue

    Adopted Ordinance 743 repealing and replacing Town Code Chapter 8.36 regulating the removal of trees

    Approved Redemption of Tax Delinquent Properties with Open Space Fund

    Approved a licensing agreement with the Ritter Center for placing Art Houses in Fairfax

    Wednesday, June 24, 2009

    Blog #22- Council to meet on Budget, Measure F Extension

    The Town Council will hold its regular Town Council meeting on July 1, 2009 beginning at 7:30 PM at the Women’s Club on Park Road to consider adoption of the proposed 2009/2010 Town Budget and to discuss extending Measure F another five years.

    This is a very important meeting and the Council encourages all residents to attend. The budget portion of the meeting will entail an overview of the current economic climate and the possible actions of the State regarding the possible theft of seven percent of the Town’s revenue through the theft of gas tax revenues. This equates to about $212,000 each year. This money will not be repaid by the State. Public comment will then be invited on the proposed budget.

    The Council will also consider and adopt placing on the ballot for voter approval the extension of Measure F which expires on June 30, 2010. Measure F represents $465,000 per year to the Town’s $6.7 million general fund budget. The ballot language will be asking for an extension at the same rate of $125 per dwelling unit and business occupancy per year for another five years. This is an extension of an existing property tax. The Town is not asking for any new or additional tax.

    The Council encourages the public to comment on the decision to extend Measure F.

    Other items for the July 1st Agenda:

    • Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Town Attorney to cooperate with the League of California Cities as well as cities and counties in litigation challenging the constitutionality of any seizure by State government of HUTA funds (Gas Tax Funds)
    • Consider Appeal of the Planning Commission’s denial of a request for a setback variance, a height variance, encroachment permit and a second unit use permit in order to construct a second unit underneath an existing three story, single-family residence and to construct parking for the second unit at 177 Frustuck Avenue
    • Adopt a Resolution setting new fees for services as a result of the Master Fee Study including business license fees
    • Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance 743 repealing and replacing Town Code Chapter 8.36 regulating the removal of trees
    • Consider endorsing a pilot low income elderly and disabled cable discount
    • Discussion and Approval of Redemption of Tax Delinquent Properties with Open Space Fund

    Wednesday, June 17, 2009

    Blog #21 – Council to Meet on Town Budget, Extension of Measure F

    The Town Council will hold a Special Town Council meeting on June 20, 2009 from 9:00 AM-12 NOON at the Women’s Club on Park Road to discuss the proposed 2009/2010 Town Budget and to discuss the renewal of Measure F. This is a very important meeting and the Council encourages all residents to attend. The budget portion of the meeting will entail an overview of the current economic climate and the possible actions of the State regarding the possible theft of eight percent of the Town’s property tax revenues. This equates to about $268,000. Then each department head from the Town staff will present their budget. Public comment will then be invited on the proposed budget.

    The second part of the meeting will be a discussion on the renewal of Measure F which expires on June 30, 2010. Measure F represents $465,000 per year to the Town’s $6.7 million general fund budget. There will be a presentation regarding the Town Budget and Measure F and then a discussion on the proposed ballot language for the extension of Measure F. The ballot language will be asking for an extension at the same rate of $125 per dwelling unit and business occupancy per year for another five years. This is an extension of an existing property tax. The Town is not asking for any new or additional tax.

    I encourage the public to comment on the decision to renew Measure F.

    Thursday, June 04, 2009

    Blog #20 Town Council Discusses "Art Houses of Marin” Emergency Siren for Cascades, Update of Tree Ordinance

    The Town Council took the following actions at the June 3, 2009 meeting:

    1. Heard a presentation from Executive Director Diane Linn of Ritter House on the installation of “Art Houses of Marin” at various locations in Fairfax for a period of two months to raise awareness of the homeless in Marin County. The Town Council will discuss the “Art Houses of Marin” again at the Regular Council meeting on July 1, 2009 and consider approving a licensing agreement with Ritter House

    2. Heard a presentation from Jason Dow, General Manager for the Central Marin Sanitary Service regarding a proposed Food to Energy project.

    3. Adopted a resolution finding that a severe fiscal hardship will exist if additional property tax funds are seized and additional unfunded mandates are adopted by the State.

    4. Held introduction and first reading of an ordinance to repeal and replace Town Code 8.36 regulating the removal of trees

    5. Heard a presentation from Sergeant Stuart Baker regarding the placement of an emergency siren in the Cascades at the Marin Municipal Water District water tower off of Bolinas Road and then authorized the purchase and installation of the siren

    6. Approved a contract for Engineering Consultant Services with Coastland Engineering for preliminary and construction engineering on Federal Aid projects

    7. Renewed Agreement with the Town Attorney for contractual legal services with the Town.

    There will be a Special Town Council Meeting on Saturday, June 20th from 9-12 NOON at the Women's Club to discuss the draft Town Budget for fiscal year 2009/10 and a discussion to consider ballot language to renew Measure F –a Special Municipal Services Tax which expires on June 30, 2010. There will be a detailed power point presentation on the history of Measure F including what the Town has accomplished since the passage of Measure F and what the Town has done to keep its promise to the community to control spending and seek new revenues.

    Saturday, May 23, 2009

    Blog #19 Town Council Meeting June 3rd

    There is a Regular Town Council Meeting on June 3, 2009. Some items for discussion include:

    • Interview and appointment of candidate to serve as the Fairfax representative to the Marin Commission on Aging for a three-year term to June 30, 2012

    • Presentation by Ritter Center regarding their “Art Houses of Marin” project

    • A presentation by Jason Dow, General Manager of the Central Marin Sanitation District regarding a proposal to create a food waste to energy project at the Central Marin Sanitation facility in San Rafael. Commercial food waste would be delivered by garbage haulers to the site and converted into energy.

    • A First Reading of an Ordinance to repeal and replace Town Code Chapter 8.36 regulating the removal of trees

    • Discussion and consideration of approving the purchase and installation of a siren for the Cascade neighborhood. The siren will alert residents of a fire, flood or other emergency.

    • Discussion and consideration of amendments to the Tobacco Ordinance

    • Report of the status of the General Plan Update and Specific Plan process

    • Discussion and consideration of adopting Mission, Vision, and Core Values for the Town

    For a complete agenda of the June 3, 2009 Town Council Meeting please click:

    Blog # 18 Fairfax Festival Parade Seeks Entries

    The Fairfax Festival is seeking entries for its 32nd annual Fairfax Parade, scheduled for 10 a.m. June 13.

    Neighborhoods, families, classes, schools and groups of friends are invited to participate.

    Applications, accepted until June 5, are available at www.fairfax

    Friday, May 08, 2009

    Blog #17 - Town Council Actions from May 6, 2009 Meeting

    The Town Council met on May 6, 2009, and discussed a number of issues including agreeing to send a letter to the Marin-Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District urging them to preserve the “No-Spray List”. The District recently decided to not preserve the “No-Spray List”. The Council agreed to send a letter to the District urging them to preserve the list and include all Fairfax residents on the “No-Spray List”.

    The Council also received an update from Planning and Building Services Director Jim Moore on the progress of updating the General Plan. There are several Elements of the General Plan that will be before the Council in the next few months. They are the Circulation Element and the Conservation Element.

    Other actions taken by the Council include:

    1. Re-appointed Holly Bragman to a three year term on the Fairfax Volunteer Board

    2. Appointed Lana Pereyaslavska to a three-year term on the Fairfax Volunteer Board

    3. Received a presentation from the League of Women Voters regarding proposed Campaign Finance Reform

    4. Adopted a resolution commending the Ross Valley Fire Department for hosting the Fire Explorer Training Program

    5. Adopted a resolution authorizing the Artists-in Residence to renew the mural at Central Field

    6. Approved an Agreement with Camille Esposito to establish children’s recreational programming in Fairfax. Program ideas include arts and science, sports, music, dance, a New Mom’s Group, and special events.

    7. Received a report from the Affordable Housing Committee on two potential sites in Town with willing property owners. There will be more information to come on this item. The town is in an exploratory mode right now.

    8. Adopted a resolution authorizing participation in the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Grant Application Process for partial funding for a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle purchase through the Federal Economic Stimulus monies

    Other Notes:

    The Fairfax Farmer’s Market has started up again. It is every Wednesday from 4-8 PM in Bolinas Park. There is a lot of great and fresh food, live music, and informational booths. The Town installed a bike rack for use while visiting the Farmer's Market at the far end of Bolinas Park by the Fairfax Creek (near where the bounce house is during the Market).

    The Fairfax Festival and Ecofest is June 13-14

    The next Town Council Meeting will be held on June 3, 2009.