At the November 4, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting the following actions were taken:
1. Re-appointed Melanie Peratis to serve on the Volunteer Board for a full three year term to November 30, 2012.
2. Accepted and filed the September 2009 Monthly Financial Report, the Quarterly Treasurer’s Report and the Quarterly Financial Report for the months of July-September 2009.
3. Adopted a Resolution approving the purchase and sale agreement and related documents with respect to the sale of the seller’s Proposition 1A receivable from the State; and directing and authorizing certain other actions in connection therewith.
4. Approved an amendment to the Town Manager’s contract to include an out of pocket contribution to the employee portion of retirement to match the contribution agreed to in the Management Employees MOU.
5. Approved a letter for the Mayor’s signature to Attorney General Jerry Brown objecting to Sutter Health taking millions of dollars in profit out of Marin County and into their corporation.
6. Adopted a resolution adopting rules for the use of the Fairfax Tennis Courts and specifically bans the playing of music on the courts.
7. Approved the Town response to the Grand Jury inquiry regarding the makeup and operation of the Fairfax Town Council.
8. Discussed with Sharon Sagar, President of the Ross Valley School District Board of Trustees the need for the school district to build a new elementary school and expand the middle school.