Thursday, August 06, 2009

Blog #30 – Town Council Actions from August 5, 2009 meeting

At the August 5, 2009 Regular Town Council Meeting the following actions were taken:

1. Honored Karen Arnold for her many contributions serving on the Parks and Recreation Commission for the last six plus years.

2. Accepted Upper Scenic Road as a Town maintained street

3. Adopted a Resolution opposing the proposed California Constitutional amendment ballot measure misleadingly referred to as the “Taxpayers Right to Vote Act”. This is a statewide proposition, sponsored by PG&E, requiring local governments to obtain a 2/3 vote of the electorate before providing a community choice aggregation electricity program.

4. Heard testimony from 9 residents in the Oak Manor neighborhood regarding complaints about unpermitted keeping of livestock and fowl on an undeveloped 50 acre parcel on Oak Manor Drive. The Council agreed on a 4-1 vote to require the property owner to apply for a conditional use permit and be before the Planning Commission as soon as possible to decide the merits of a conditional use permit. The Council will consider nuisance abatement proceedings on September 2, 2009 if the property owner has not applied for a conditional use permit.

5. Accepted the Grand Jury report titled “Saving Marin Major Crimes Task Force” as presented by the Police Department.

6. Accepted the Town of Fairfax 2005 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report and set an emissions reduction target for 2020 of 20% below the 2005 levels.

7. Discussed a contract for Solid Waste and Recycling Services with Marin Sanitary Service

8. Adopted a Vision, Mission and set of Core Values for the Town. See below the Vision, Mission and Core Values Statement

9. Approved the annual MOU with the Town of San Anselmo for jointly sponsored recreation programs.

The next regular meeting of the Fairfax Town Council will be September 2, 2009. Some items scheduled for discussion and consideration on September 2nd are: consideration of a solid waste and recycling contract with Marin Sanitary Service; second reading and adoption of an ordinance relating to an administrative citation program; second reading and adoption of an ordinance relating to a 50% remodel; report on the state budget impacts on the Town budget; and the annual audit report for FY 2007/08.