The Town Council will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 pm at the Women's Club on 46 Park Drive on a number of important issues including:
1. Appointing a candidate to the Parks and Recreation Commission
2. Honoring 19 Broadway for their 25 years of service to the community and for their Grand Re-opening
3. Approving labor agreements which covers all employees of the Town.
4. Hearing a presentation by Dawn Weisz regarding the process for selecting a vendor to provide an energy supply to the Marin Energy Authority.
You can view the agenda on line at Once you reach the home page for the Town click on the Government drop down and then Town Council. The Town web site is being repaired each week. Right now you can get the Town Council meeting agenda from the web site. In the next several weeks we will have all of the drop down sites working. We apologize for this inconvenience. When completed the web site will have much more information for the public to access, including the Town Budget, monthly agendas for all public meetings, information about each department, information about capital projects, the Town Code, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report, and much more.