Hello and thank you for visiting this blog.
My name is Linda Kelly and I am the new Town Manager of Fairfax. I've created this blog as a way to communicate with the residents of Fairfax about their Town government and the community of Fairfax. I welcome any feedback or questions regarding the items posted on this blog to my e-mail address at lkelly@townoffairfax.org. Lately, our Town internet connection has not been extremely reliable due to the damage to the Town Hall as a result of the flooding, so if I do not respond to your message right away, I will get back to you when I can, but I will get back to you.
Part of my mission here is to promote proactive communication and responsiveness, and I look forward to making this blog a tool that enhances information sharing with the residents of Fairfax.
A few legal items: the Town of Fairfax does not endorse Blogger.com and is not responsible for the contents of other links from this site which are not under the control of the Town of Fairfax.
I am using this tool as Blogger is available at no cost.