Sunday, January 14, 2007

Suggestion Box Suggestion Summary

Thanks to everyone who has used the on-line suggestion box so far. The Mayor and I have read all of the suggestions and everyone who provided an email address was given a response. Here is a summary of the suggestions with a summary of the responses.

I suggest the Town of Fairfax note Dian Fossey's birthday, Jan. 16, 1932 in Fairfax, CA as a day to celebrate wildlife and habitat preservation. See the Marine IJ personals this next weekend. I have for the past two years given a scholarship in Dian Fossey's memory to a graduate of your local Drake high school and would like to encourage wider awareness of Fairfax's heritage in connection with Dian Fossey's life and work.

Response: This suggestion was taken and a proclamation was created and also sent to the Fairfax Historical Society.

The intersection in front of Fairfax Variety, is really becoming dangerous, especially during the evening commute hours.....the crosswalks need the flashing lights that activate when you push a button....also, the potholes on Broadway, in front of the Fairfax health club need to be filled.....other than that, I love living in this town and appreciate the suggestion box...keep up the good work.

Response: This suggestion was forwarded to the Police Chief for consideration. The potholes on Center are scheduled to be fixed Jan. 16-17.

The gutters from Scenic Trail to Fir Trail are still full of last years NY storm debris. Please have them cleaned.

Response: It is on Public Works’ to-do list.

My neighbors and I all have different ideas of where to go if there was a fire on Manor Hill. It would be helpful if the town would provide a flyer to people living on Scenic, Redwood, Ridge, providing a suggestion on how best to leave the area in case of fire.

Response: This was forwarded to Ross Valley Fire for a response.

Great addition to the communication between citizens and our politicians and administrators. Having an information box or suggestion/information box would be helpful. I'd be very interested in knowing what's happening with the Creek Bridge.

Response: We are working to reopen the bridge to foot and bike traffic within a week. We await the federal regulatory agency environmental process to approve the permanent repair through FEMA. We are enlisting the help of Congresswoman Woolsey’s office to assist us with the FEMA process. Once I hear anything, will post it on this blog.

I know the Creek Ave. bridge is being worked on. I hope it does reopen as those of us on Porteous Ave. like the idea of having a second route into and out of town. Until the bridge is completed, it would be great to have a stop sign at Creek/Porteous intersection (there is a yield sign there now) as many of the drivers turning onto Porteous do not feel the need to stop, or even to look to be sure there are no cars coming from Porteous. There will be an accident there sooner or later. Thanks. I like this suggestion box idea.

Response: See above regarding the bridge. On the stop sign, I’ve asked the Police Chief to take the issue to the Traffic Safety Committee for consideration.

Please do not allow parking along Sir Francis Drake as it is unsafe for children to bike to school which defeats the purpose of making a bike lane to cut down traffic. I currently drive my children around because of the lack of traffic safety.

Response: The current road striping plan for this area removed the street parking in front of the 2300 block homes and added three parking spaces nearer to the bus stop where the road widens, as a compromise. We are still studying the safety of this area.

As someone who spent 15 years in Fairfax, now that I have moved far away, I miss it. Please post LOTS OF PICTURES of everything in Fairfax.

Response: Unfortunately, the user-controlled software for our website does not allow us to upload photos on the home page. The host of the site has to do that for us, so it is a little cumbersome to change photos, but I’ll keep that in mind. I do have photo capability on my blog so I will try and post more photos there.

I read in the IJ that our unsung heroes at the police department have done a wonderful job again of protecting our community. Word in the neighborhood is that this latest case was directly related to another cultivation case, robbery and shooting in our small town and neighborhood. Those guys deserve all our support and recognition for the job they do. I will follow up with a letter to Chief Ken.

Response: Great! Has been forwarded to the Chief.

Potholes on Center are getting very bad - specially between old Albertson's market and the Fairfax theatre. Will Public Works fill these in or are there plans to repave the whole block?

Response: See above. They will be fixed this week. There is a plan to redesign the block to better link Center with downtown Broadway and repave through a grant. The work is to start in the spring, it’s my understanding.

Please fix the terrible pot holes on Center blvd near FairAnselm.

Response: They will be fixed this week.

Enforce crosswalk laws. Too many cars roll through crosswalks while pedestrians are still in the crosswalks downtown.

Response: Forwarded the suggestion to the Police Chief.

A link for those looking to move into the area: rentals, homes, etc.

Response: Suggested the use of Craigslist and respondent said they had found luck through the use of Marin IJ.