A big part of what we do at the local government level is respond to changing community needs. No government is closer and more responsive to the people than government at the city level. This blog was created to enhance our job of information-sharing with the community. Indeed, it works two ways: you need to share information and concerns with us so that we can better respond and share appropriate information with you. In 2007, we are launching two new ways for us to interact:
First, we have a new On-Line Suggestion Box which is linked on the home page of the Town of Fairfax at www.townoffairfax.org. You can send us suggestions for consideration and the Mayor and I will read all suggestions. You can even send them anonymously if you wish. I will periodically post a summary of suggestions on this blog. We may not adopt all suggestions but we will add them to our continuing conversation on how we can improve our Town to better reflect ever-changing community needs.
Secondly, I will be starting Office Hours in the Community once per month in rotating locations in the town. The first session will be this Wednesday, January 10th from 8 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. at the Coffee Roasters at Bolinas & Broadway. I will be there to listen and converse with anyone about Town concerns. Please feel free to stop by.