Saturday, January 06, 2007

Happy Birthday, Blog!

Sunday, January 7, 2007 is the one-year anniversary of the Town Manager's Blog! I started this blog as a way to reach out to the community and provide information in a fast, accessible, user-friendly, non-traditional and fun way. This entry is now my 225th post to the blog.

The very first blog post I made was from the Fairfax Library. Since I started work three days after the big New Year's Eve Flood, and our Town Hall had been inundated with water, our internet connection was frequently down. And, since I had just moved here from Santa Cruz County, I had not yet had my home internet connection activated. The Fairfax Library staff was kind enough to let me use a back room staff computer on the Saturday of my first week on the job to finish creating this blog and posting the first few entries.

One year ago, I wrote on the first entry, "Part of my mission here is to promote proactive communication and responsiveness, and I look forward to making this blog a tool that enhances information sharing with the residents of Fairfax." I have truly enjoyed continuing this mission and providing information to the community in this way, and plan to continue this blog.

I'd like to share this photo with you of me (in the front row) with your Town Council - from left to right - Larry Bragman, Mayor; Mary Ann Maggiore, Vice Mayor; Lew Tremaine, Council Member; David Weinsoff, Council Member; Susan Brandborg, Council Member. This was after one of our Saturday strategic planning workshops, October 2006. It is a pleasure for me to work with such a caring and ambitious group of community leaders, along with a tremendously dedicated and hard-working staff.

Thank you, Fairfax community, for the privilege of being here to serve you.

Happy 1st Birthday, Blog!