Friday, July 18, 2008

Blog #20 - Town Council Actions - July 16, 2008

The Town Council met on July 16th and took the following actions:

1. Appointed Mallory Geitheim to the Design Review Board. Congratulations to Mallory.

2. Received a report from Pam Gibson, the Town's Economic Sustainability Consultant on the Town's Economic Sustainability DRAFT Plan. After Pam gave her presentation public comment was taken. The DRAFT Plan recommends five goals and strategies to achieve the goals:

GOAL ONE: Assist and promote business retention and expansion so existing businesses can be successful and remain in the community.
STRATEGY ONE: Provide programs and incentives for improving the physical appearance of existing businesses and their environment
STRATEGY TWO: Market existing businesses to residents through promotions and activities that encourage shopping, dining and conducting business in the local area
STRATEGY THREE: Market existing businesses to visitors through special events that encourage a longer stay in Fairfax by celebrating those elements that make Fairfax special.
STRATEGY FOUR: Encourage entrepreneurship through the “business gardening” approach to retention and expansion.

GOAL TWO: Target and attract new businesses that complement those that are already in Fairfax, and are compatible with “community character.”
STRATEGY ONE: Identify businesses that might occupy vacant spaces and develop marketing techniques to attract them to Fairfax.
STRATEGY TWO: Inventory other infrastructure needs to determine adequacy for business attraction.

GOAL THREE: Enhance the image of Fairfax as “business friendly”
STRATEGY ONE: Create a formal business sustainability partnership between the Town of Fairfax and the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce
STRATEGY TWO: Maintain and provide a list of financial resources available to businesses that are starting, or existing and in need of expansion or retention assistance.
STRATEGY THREE: Establish business recognition programs to show appreciation for businesses in the community.

GOAL FOUR: Support and pursue economic enterprises that maintain or improve the environment.
STRATEGY ONE: Recognize and assist businesses with their environmental protection and pollution prevention efforts.
STRATEGY TWO: Develop a program of incentives for those who are incorporating green building into new construction or renovations and find ways to use these methods for Town projects
STRATEGY THREE: Provide for transportation alternatives to help air quality so that those who are able to move around the Town without cars can do so

GOAL FIVE: Investigate the feasibility of forming a Redevelopment Agency to sustain the economy in the downtown core
STRATEGY ONE: Hire a consultant to review the downtown and determine if there is enough “legally-defined-blight” to warrant the formation of a redevelopment agency.
STRATEGY TWO: Keep communication lines open so community is continually informed
STRATEGY THREE: Identify other sources of funding for the downtown improvements, if redevelopment agency formation is determined not to be the best option

The Town Council will hear more public comment and consider adopting the Economic Sustainability Plan at the August 6th Town Council meeting.

3. Authorized issuance of a Request for Proposals for Non-motorized Transportation Pilot Program (NTPP) Fairfax-San Rafael Bicycle Connector Study

4. Authorized issuance of a Request for Proposals for a NTPP Parkade Circulation Study

5. Authorizated the release of plans and specifications for 300 Olema Road – Fairfax Creek Restoration Project

6. Adopted Resolution No. 2562 Urging the State of California to Repeal the Local Preemption Ban which Prohibits Local Jurisdictions from Banning Pesticides throughout their City and County Limits

7. Conducted a public hearing on the Mixed Use Overlay Zone and the proposed mitigated negative declaration (CEQA) for the Mixed Use Overlay Zone. There was considerable public testimony on both issues and the Town Council has schedule a special Town Council Meeting on September 27th at 9 AM to discuss the Mixed Use Overlay Zone that is proposed.

8. Transferred $29, 966 from the General Fund to the Open Space Fund for the purpose of acquiring future open space in the Town of Fairfax.

The next Town Council meeting is August 6th at 7:30 PM.