Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blog #4 - Plans for a New K-5 School Discussed

On January 13th the Fairfax Town Council heard a presentation from Sharon Sagar, President of the Ross Valley School District (RVSD) Board of Trustees on the need for a new K-5 school in the Ross Valley. One site under consideration in Fairfax is the existing Deer Park school site. The Marin Town and Country Club (MTCC) site was removed from consideration on January 14th at the RVSD Board meeting. After the presentation the Town Council had questions for Sharon and the Council heard comments from the public.

Wih MTCC off the list Red Hill and Deer Park remain as potential sites for a new K-5 school. There will be more community meetings sponsored by the RVSD to discuss possible sites in the near future.

Other actions taken at the January 13, 2010 Regular Town Council Meeting:

Heard a presentation from Steve Larson, the Town’s auditing firm and accepted the Town’s fiscal year 2007/08 audit.

2. Heard a presentation from Bob Brown, Community Development Director of San Rafael regarding the draft Green Building Ordinance being developed for cities and the County of Marin.

3. Set a Special Town Council Meeting date of February 27, 2010 to discuss updating the Five-Year Strategic Plan and Town Goals. The meeting will be on Saturday morning from 9-12 Noon at the Women’s Club. The public is encouraged to assist the Town Council in setting priorities for the next five year plan.

4. Heard a presentation from Karen Arnold of the Pavilion Restoration Committee regarding efforts to secure grant funding from the Marin Community Foundation to begin the process of a grassroots fundraising effort to restore the Pavilion.

5. Heard an update on the Hazardous Fuels Reduction Grant received by the Town in the amount of $168,831 to clear roadside vegetation, to create defensible space around residential homes and removal of fire prone trees. There will be a public meeting dubbed the “Fire Forum” on Saturday, January 30th in the Women’s Club from 9:30-12:30 to discuss defensible space, home sprinkler systems, fire hydrants and other related fire safety issues. The public is strongly encouraged to attend to learn more about the risks and safety procedures. More information in the coming days and the agenda for this meeting will be posted on the Town website and in public places.

The next Town Council meeting will be Wednesday, February 3rd at 7:30 PM in the Women's Club.