Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blog #3 - Flood Mitigation League Meeting this Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Flood Mitigation League of the Ross Valley has asked the Town to forward the following meeting agenda information:

Where: Molinari Room, San Anselm's School, 40 Belle Avenue, San Anselmo
When: 7.30pm SHARP


1. Jack Curley presentation on the Ross Valley Watershed Mitigation Planning - Progress and Timeline. Jack is bringing a slide show.

2. Questions and Answers on Ross Valley Watershed Mitigation Planning - Progress and Timeline

3. Presentations from members of the Board on flood issues in their areas:

- Ross fish ladder, environment and bridge considerations

- San Anselmo

- Fairfax

- Other: Larkspur, Kentfield, County, creekside homeowners -Sandra Guldman Friends of Corte Madera Creek

4. Discussion of actions to be taken

5. Set a date for a next board meeting, discussion of items for agenda

6. Adjourn