Monday, March 02, 2009

Blog #7 Help for Creekside Property Owners in Fairfax

The letter below was sent to all creekside property owners in the Flood Control and Water Conservation District in the Ross Valley. I encourage all creekside property owners to get involved with this program as its goal is to secure all creekside properties with a streamside management plan for the long term future.

February, 2009

Dear Creekside Landowner,

The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District is launching a new
streamside management program to assist landowners with severe erosion
problems on their creekside property. The “Streamside Management Plan for
Landowners (SMPL)” is part of the comprehensive effort launched by Supervisor
Hal Brown, the Flood Control District, and the Department of Public Works to build a
long-term, flood damage reduction program in the Ross Valley.

The District has contracted with the Urban Creeks Council (UCC), a nonprofit
headquartered in Berkeley,, for the SMPL. They will
provide free consultations with private property owners who need assistance in
determining erosion control measures for their creekside properties. This contract
will fund consultations for at least 50 properties. UCC will assist in identifying the
causes of the problem and recommend appropriate solutions. In some cases, UCC
may also be able to assist with design and permitting of repair work as well.

In order to take part in this program, you can fill out an application online at
the website for the Ross Valley Watershed program,
Follow the link on the opening page of the website. To make this application form
easier, we have built in a list of creekside property owners in the Ross Valley that
will automatically fill in your property information once you enter your address or
parcel number (APN). If you find that your property does not show up after that, you
can call the program manager at 415-499-3051 who will provide a printed
application by fax or email. If you do not use the internet, you can pick up an
application at the Civic Center, Room 304 or at one of the town halls in the Ross

Once applications are received, they will be reviewed and prioritized and site
visits will be scheduled. UCC expects to begin site visits in April/May 2009.
We encourage you to take advantage of this program and participate in the
Ross Valley flood damage reduction effort.

If you have any questions, please call the program manager at 415-499-

Farhad Mansourian