1. 183 Frustuck Avenue; Appeal # 07-28 - Appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of a Hill Area Residential Development Permit, Excavation Permit and Encroachment Permit to construct a 3,050sf single-family residence, a 610sf garage and a 134sf utility room for a total square footage of 3,794sf single-family residence (includes a 610sf garage); Assessor’s Parcel No. 003-193-13; Residential Single-family RS 6 Zone; Shane Deal, owner; Niccolo Caldararo, appellant; CEQA categorically exempt, § 15303(a); Adoption of Resolution No. 2513, A Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Fairfax regarding the Decision on Appeal No. 07-28 (continued from 9-19-07): The Council heard the continued appeal and denied the appeal, which allows the project to move forward to the next phase of design.
2. A Proclamation declaring Sunday, October 21st, 2007, as Take a Step For Marin Abused Women’s Services to honor MAWS on the occasion of their 30th anniversary, Brandborg: Council adopted the proclamation.
3. Adoption of Resolution No. 2516, A Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Fairfax Adopting the Police Department Plan to Allocate Funds for The Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) Program for 2007-2008: Council adopted the resolution, allowing for continued Federal funding which supports our Police Department with $100,000 per year.
4. Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 725, A Social Host Liability Ordinance for Underage Drinking, Maggiore: Council introduced and held first reading of the ordinance, which would penalize parents, minors and/or other individuals hosting parties where underage drinking of alcoholic beverages is taking place. Council directed staff to increase the fines as follows: 1st offense - $750; 2nd offense - $875; 3rd offense - $1,000; and to add community service as an option to pay off the fine.
5. Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 723 amending Ordinance No. 721 to permit the use of tandem parking for the second unit amnesty period only, Brandborg: Council held second reading and adopted the ordinance, which is intended to encourage the legalization of second units.
6. Status Report on Wall Property, Tremaine: Council heard from the many community members present regarding the desire to keep the property as open space. Residents explained the issue of landslides on the property as well as homeless encampments on the property. There was a general consensus that the community needed to work together to find a creative way to acquire the land as dedicated open space. Council directed staff to bring back the Ridgeline Protection Ordinance for amendment and to create an overlay map showing both the ridgeline resources and Town streets. The Open Space Committee is to collaborate with the community, Council, the Town of San Anselmo and the County of Marin on acquiring the property.
7. Discussion and consideration of the adoption of Resolution No. 2517, A Resolution of Intention of the Fairfax Town Council to initiate an amendment to Chapter 17.020 of the Fairfax Town Code to include design criteria encouraging the use of sustainable construction and landscaping (Recommended by the Design Review Board): Council adopted the resolution and directed staff to fully develop the ordinance specifying the design criteria integrating sustainable practices.
8. Status report and discussion about the Ross Valley Sanitary District’s sewer replacement project that runs from the end of Meadow Way along Cascade Creek to Bolinas Road, and coordination of utility district projects, Bragman: Mayor Bragman explained that the Ross Valley Sanitary District had a large project which included the creation of a road where none previously existed and that their project was resulting in habitat damage to the creek. Staff was directed to inform the Ross Valley Sanitary District to send all notices of projects to the Town Manager and to Public Works, to inform them that the Town expected the area to be fully restored after the project and to receive assurances that the mitigation work will happen.
9. Request from Electric Auto Association to allow public access to the Town’s small paddle inductive electric car charger: Council adopted the Town Manager’s recommendation to allow public access to the charger, as a means of supporting alternative fuel vehicles in Town.