Monday, April 09, 2007

Actions from April 4th Council meeting

Here’s a summary of actions from our April 4th Town Council meeting:

  • Ross Valley Watershed Flood Protection and Watershed Program – The Council received a presentation by County Supervisor Hal Brown, Jr. and Flood Control Engineer Jack Curley regarding the proposed storm drain user fee and mail ballot process for flood control and watershed improvements. Questions were taken from the audience and information was provided. The Council adopted a resolution supporting the Ross Valley Flood Protection and Watershed Program and the proposed drainage system fee for the Ross Valley Flood Zone 9.
  • An appeal set for 75 Rocca Drive was postponed at the request of the appellant.
  • Council endorsed the Fairfax Open Space Committee’s request to designate the 99-acre “Wall Property” as a priority for acquisition as open space. The property is located on the eastern border of the Town, covering 99 acres above the Willow Street and St. Rita’s neighborhoods.
  • Received a request from the Fairfax Volunteers to further develop their “trail and walkway project” to install reflectors, posts and benches at the access points to select rights-of-way walking trails, to encourage the use of trails as an alternative to motorized transportation. All costs would be paid for through the volunteers’ fundraising activities or through donations. The Council requested that the Volunteers provide the Council with a specified list of prioritized trails to be worked on, and the proposed work for each trail.
  • Designated April 15-21st as “National Library Week” in Fairfax through a proclamation which recognizes and celebrates the amazing array of services provided for our residents through the Marin County Free Library System.
  • Approved the temporary closure of School Street (next to the Women’s Club) for Saturday, May 12th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the “Fat Tire Festival.” The event is sponsored by Velo Club Fairfax in association with the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce, and is the Bay Area’s premier off-road mountain biking festival.
  • Held first reading of the wood burning appliance ordinance, pertaining to the reduction of air pollution by regulating the installation of wood burning appliances (i.e. wood burning stoves), and removal and operation of non‑certified wood burning appliances. The Council agreed to institute a deadline of 2010 for the removal or discontinuance of all non-EPA certified wood heaters, with exceptions granted in cases of hardship.
  • Awarded a bid of $195,000 plus a 20% contingency to Knight Construction for the repair of Town buildings damaged by the flood.
  • Approved agreements for an Emergency Watershed Project at 82 and 88 Creek Road, through a Federal program that provides 75% Federal funding to pay for repair/replacement of a retaining wall damaged by the flood. The private property owners are responsible for the remaining 25% of the project cost, with the Town donating in-kind staff time for contract administration. Of over 100 project applications submitted from throughout Northern California for creek-side damage from the 12/31/05 flooding disaster, the Creek Road project was one of only eight to qualify for 75% Federal Funding.
  • Approved a request by the Marin Farmers Market to hold the 2007 Fairfax Farmers Market in Bolinas Park, with direction to move the booths off of the lawn as much as possible to minimize impacts to the grass. The Fairfax Farmers Market will commence on Wednesday, May 2nd.
  • Received an update from Council Member Weinsoff regarding Council attention to problems with the Canyon Road Sewer Extension. Mayor Bragman and Councilmember Weinsoff have presented the Sanitary District with a comprehensive letter outlining concerns relating to the District's implementation of the sanitary sewer extension on Canyon Road. A response from the District on how it intends to address the Canyon Road community's complaints is expected by the end of April. The Council will consider the District's response at its May 2nd meeting.
  • The following items were continued to the next Council meeting on May 2nd: (1) Discussion and consideration of possible conversion of Mono Avenue between Bolinas and Elsie into a pedestrian-only right-of-way, Tremaine; (2) Discussion and consideration of the introduction of an ordinance regarding impervious surface limitations and water runoff mitigation in new developments to reduce surface runoff contributing to flood risk, Bragman/Tremaine
  • The update on fiscal year expenditures to date was carried over to the next strategic planning meeting (date to be determined).