Friday, April 14, 2006
CERT Graduates
Fairfax was well represented in the latest Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) classes held on April 1st and 8th. The graduates of CERT include Susan Brandborg (Fairfax Mayor), Maria Baird (Fairfax Community Resources Coordinator), and residents Claire Cumings, Jon Marchant, Teri Meadows. They were trained in hands-on techniques to become self-sufficient for at least 72 hours following a disaster such as an earthquake, flood or wildland fire. The students received a manual, flashlight, helmet, vest and work gloves as part of their preparedness kit. Here are a few photos of the hands-on training.
The next class will be in May; however, since there was a waiting list for the class, Central Marin CERT is contacting the wait list individuals first. If there are still openings, then the class will be opened to the public and I will announce it here.