Friday, September 03, 2010

Blog #50 - Smart Meter Community Meeting -September 15, 2010

The Town of Fairfax, in cooperation with PG&E officials will be holding a “Listening Session” on September 15, 2010. The purpose of the “Listening Session” is for PG&E officials to hear from the public any questions or concerns regarding the Smart Meter program. This meeting will be a “Listening Session” only.

A second meeting will be held in late September. Questions or concerns from the “Listening Session” will be answered by PG&E officials. Any requested information from the public that can be provided will be available at the second meeting.

Members of the community will have three minutes to speak and five minutes if representing a group.

The “Listening Session” meeting will be held at 7:00 PM at the Women’s Club on 46 Park Road in Fairfax.

The "Listening Session" is being held to address concerns from residents about the possible negative health effects of EMF exposure, the inaccuracies of some of the smart meters, and issues surrounding the sharing of data with other businesses, and the concern over the security of the data and making sure that it does not get into the wrong hands.

Mayor Lew Tremaine commented “I am looking forward to the “Listening Session” as a way to lay out all the possible questions and concerns the community may have regarding the Smart Meter program".