Thursday, July 29, 2010

Blog #44 Camp Fairfax

Camp Fairfax - Summer camp for your kids!

Come join us for fun in your own backyard! We are happy to announce our Summer camp -fun, affordable and local. Inspired by the success of Camp Earth last year, we are starting a new yearly tradition - Camp Fairfax. We will have a strong emphasis on sustainability and nature. Weekly field trips, recycled art projects, water fun and more!

•Camp hours: 10am - 4pm

•Three weeks - Week One: August 2-6; Week Two August 9-13; Week Three: August 16-20

•$165 per week

Before and after care available for an additional fee

•Summer Super Saver - All three weeks including care from 8am to 6pm - $600!!!!

For more information click to:

The third week is full but the first two weeks have many spots still available. Sign up right away!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Blog #43 - Participating in Town Council Meetings

The Town of Fairfax and the Town Council encourage all members of the
public to participate in Town government and attend Town Council meetings.

This guide provides information to help you participate more effectively.

Location: Women’s Club 46 Park Road, Fairfax, CA
Time: 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m.

Chambers. Special meetings may occur earlier or on different days.

Here are some general tips for participation in meetings:

You may speak during the Public Comment period of the agenda for three minutes on a topic not on the agenda, so long as the subject relates to the business of the City Council.

You may speak on any item on the agenda once given recognition by
the Mayor.

Speakers must adhere to the time limits, using the time limit lights as
indicators of how much time is remaining.

Comments and statements should be addressed to the Council, not the

Applauding or other displays of approval or disapproval are
inappropriate for Council meetings.

Subscribe by email or check the website to receive agendas ahead of

Copies of the agenda packet are available in the Town Clerk’s Office,
online and at the Fairfax Library.

Submit written information ahead of time. Early submission allows more
time for the Council to consider your comments.

Please turn off your cell phone or set it to vibrate

The next Town Council meeting will be August 4, 2010. The agenda will be posted on July 30th by 5 PM.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blog #42 - Smart Meters to be Installed in Fairfax

SMART METERS – Did you receive a letter from PG&E about installation of a Smart Meter at your address?

Some Fairfax residents have received letters stating that meters would be installed in the next few weeks. It is possible to contact PG&E at the number provided in the notification letter, 1-866-743-0263 and to be placed on a “delayed action until further notice” list.

The Town Council discussed this issue at length at the meeting on July 7, 2010 and staff is drafting an ordinance for their consideration to address the installation of Smart Meters in Fairfax. Information about Smart Meters was provided by the Town Manager in Blog #32 posted on June 2, 2010. The staff report on Smart Meters is on the Town Web site as part of the Town Council packet for the July 7, 2010 meeting.

More information is available from PG&E at their Web site at or at, for a utility reform group’s point of view.

Blog #41 - Fairfax Players Presents: A Thousand and One Dreams

A Thousand And One Dreams:A Tale of the Princess Roshkilde
(A ‘Parry-D’ on Shakespeare!)

Fairfax Players presents Sam M. Parry’s original play: A Thousand And One Dreams at the New Stage, Peri Park, Fairfax, opening July 23 for ten performances—Thursdays to Sundays until August 7.

Curtain at 7:00 PM. Adults $15, seniors & students
$12, kids six and under $7.

Don’t miss the world premier of this exciting Shakespeare-esque fantasy comedy replete with witches, genies, swordplay, songs, special effects and more!

Tickets at the door or in advance at Revolution 9 in Fairfax.

Tickets may be used for any of the ten performances so come
early to bag your seat!

Friday, July 09, 2010

Blog #40 - Town Hires New Police Chief

The Fairfax Town Council, in a unanimous vote, has selected Fairfax Sergeant Christopher Morin as their new Police Chief, replacing retiring Chief Ken Hughes. He will be taking over August 1, 2010.

Sergeant Christopher Morin, a twenty-seven year police veteran has spent that past ten years working for the Fairfax Police Department after serving previously for the San Rafael and Oakland Police Departments. Throughout his career he has served in a myriad of assignments from Patrol Officer, Criminal and Internal Affairs Investigator, Recruit Training Officer and Patrol Supervisor. For the past nine years he has served as Administrative Sergeant of Police, overseeing much of the daily operations of the Fairfax Police Department.

His personal and professional roots are here in the Ross Valley. His family has resided in San Anselmo and Fairfax since the early 1930’s. Chris was raised in San Anselmo, his father was a Fairfax Police Officer in the 1960’s and his grandfather was a San Anselmo Police Reserve Officer for thirty years dating back to the 1950’s.

Town Manager Michael Rock is looking forward to working with Sgt. Morin in his new role as police chief and values his leadership skills which will benefit the Town staff and entire community.

Council Member Weinsoff commented "Chief Morin's approach to community policing complements the work of retiring Chief Hughes and ensures that the excellent public safety Fairfax residents enjoy will continue under the leadership of our new Chief."

Mayor Lew Tremaine stated, “Chief Hughes leaves some very big shoes to fill after 39 years of service to the Town. Fairfax is lucky that Chris found his way to us ten years ago. His philosophy of community policing is perfectly in synch with Fairfax's values. The Council was very excited to appoint him as our new police chief”.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Blog #39 - Council Action from the July 7, 2010 Meeting

Council Reviews Town Budget, Master Fees

The Town Council reviewed the draft 2010/11 Town Budget and first passed a resolution to continue expenditures and revenues in accordance with the 2009/10 budget and directed staff to return to the next council meeting with recommended changes to the budget to balance the $205,000 deficit.

The Town Council also reviewed all of the proposed changes to the fees the Town charges for all services. The fees are based on a fully burdened labor rate and none of the fees charged are more than the cost of providing the service. It is necessary to review fees at this time because the Town has not raised fees for more than three and a half years. Council Member Bragman expressed concern over the increases in many of the fees and wondered about the ability of the public to pay them. Mayor Tremaine commented that the Town General Fund has been subsidizing many fee for service activities for many years and there is a need to have the fees right priced to avoid further subsidization from the General Fund. The Council will review the proposed fee changes again at the August 4, 2010 Council meeting at which time the public can comment at a public hearing.

Other actions taken at the Regular Meeting on July 7th, 2010:

• Appointed Mimi Newton, Jack Judkins, and Helen Fauss to serve another four-year term on the Open Space Committee. Appointed Chelsea Donovan to a four-year term on the Open Space Committee. Also appointed Laura Kehrlein to serve another three year term on the Design Review Board. Appointed Karl Varvek to serve a three year term on the Design Review Board.

• Received a report that Pacific Slope, Tree Masters, and the Tree Man were awarded a contract under the Hazardous Fuel Elimination Grant to provide tree trimming, brush clearing and tree removal services.

• Adopted a Resolution in opposition to Proposition 23, and effort to delay the implementation of AB 32 (Global Warming Solutions Act)

• Received the Grand Jury Report “The Cost of Governance: Local Control Comes at a Price”

• Discuss and considered contracting out the business license renewal process. After some discussion the Council gave direction to staff to come back at the next Council meeting with a proposal to contract out the program in order to reduce the cost of collecting the business license fee and increase revenues through better data management and enforcement.

• Approved an Agreement with Camille Esposito to provide Youth Services as part of the FOCUS (Fairfax Open Circle Arts). The Youth Services budget ($18,000 per year) is part of the Measure I funds voters approved in November 2009.

• Discussed the progress being made on the updating of the General Plan and reviewed the draft Open Space, Land Use and Noise Elements of the General Plan. The Council will review all the elements of the draft General Plan in the ensuing months.

• Agreed to intervene in the City and County of San Francisco motion at the California Public Utilities Commission to suspend deployment of Smart Meters and agreed to have staff bring back a draft ordinance at the next meeting banning the installation of Smart Meters in Fairfax.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Blog #38 - Capital Project Updates

The advent of summer in Fairfax signals the beginning of the construction season for our Measure K and FEMA projects. Listed below are the remaining Measure K and FEMA projects to be completed this summer or next:

Seismic Retrofit of Pavilion: The Town was awarded a federal grant in the amount of $425,000 and matched $125,000 from the Pavilion Restoration Fund to seismically upgrade the Pavilion. This project is currently in architecture, engineering and environmental review. Construction to begin in October of this year.

Fairfax Library pathway project: This is a County project to flatten the pathway for easier access. This is scheduled for completion at the end of next week.

Pedestrian Bridge replacement and Bank Stabilization Projects (FEMA): The pedestrian bridge over the Fairfax Creek that fell down after the 2005/06 floods will be replaced and the creek bank by the tennis courts will be stabilized. These projects will be under construction this Fall.

Pastori Outfall Pipe: Currently under environmental review and will be under construction in the Spring of 2011