Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blog #13 - Special Town Council Meeting Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Fairfax Town Council will meet Saturday, February 27, 2010 from 9:00 AM - 12 NOON to discuss reviewing the five year strategic financial plan, hearing a mid-year budget report, and discussing the annual goals of the Town.

I encourage all residents to attend. It will be an opportunity to express your priorities for the Town as the Council also discusses the goals and priorities within the constraints of the Town budget. You may access all the reports for this meeting on the Town's Web Page.

See agenda below:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Blog #12 Fairfax Police Need Your Help

The Fairfax Police need your help with vandalism and tire slashing of vehicles located on Cascade Drive, Pine Drive, Hickory, Madrone Court and Meadow Way. At this time we have thirty eight reports of vandalism from this second series. Please see all the details in the attached neighborhood flyer. Please remember to lock your vehicles.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Blog #11 Project Homeless Connect 7

Project Homeless Connect will be in Fairfax on Thursday, February 18, 2010 from 10 AM-2:00PM at the Fairfax Women's Club, 46 Park Drive. If you are homeless or are in transitional housing Project Homeless is offer the following FREE services and access to:

  • Health Screenings
  • Dental Treatments
  • Legal Assistance
  • Shelter Beds
  • California IDs
  • Public Assistance Programs
  • Therapy & Psychiatric Services
  • Coats, hats, gloves, scarves
  • Veterans Programs

LUNCH will be served!!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Blog #10 - Council Actions from the February 3rd Meeting

The Town Council agreed to begin the process of considering expanding Fairfax’s tobacco ordinance to include certain multi-unit apartment buildings. Bob Curry, Resource Development Coordinator from Marin County Health and Human Services offered assistance to the Town to hold community meetings to inform the public about second hand smoke, cessation, other ordinances in effect in other communities, and to discuss the proposed ordinance in Fairfax. The Council agreed to schedule a community meeting to begin the discussion. Town staff will be working with affected multi-unit apartment building owners and other stakeholders to set the date of the community meeting.

Other actions taken at the February 3, 2010 Regular Town Council Meeting:

• Heard a report from the Town Manager on the status of the siting of a new K-5 school in the Ross Valley School District (RVSD). Many Deer Park residents of Fairfax spoke at the Council meeting and most of them objected to the use of Deer Park as a possible site.

• Discussed the possibility of providing a loan security for the implementation financing of the Marin Clean Energy program. Council directed staff to come back with a report at the March 3rd Town Council Meeting with information regarding the amount of the loan security and other details about indemnification from any other financial obligations of the Marin Energy Authority.

• Conducted a public hearing on the first reading of an ordinance revising the Animal Control fee schedule. No members of the public came forward to speak.

• Adopted a resolution forwarding a draft model Green Building Ordinance to the Planning Commission for consideration

• Adoption of a Proclamation honoring the League of Women Voters on the Occasion of their 90th Anniversary

The Town Council has scheduled a Special Town Council Meeting on February 27, 2010 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM in the Women’s Club to discuss updating the Five Year Strategic Financial Plan and the Annual Strategic Plans and Goals of the Town and to hear a report on the status of the current fiscal year 2009/10 budget.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Blog #9 - Town Council Meets Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Town Council will hold its regular meeting on February 3, 2010 at 7:30 PM. One key item of interest to the public includes an update of the Ross Valley School District Plans to site a new K-5 school at Deer Park or Red Hill school sites. The RVSD has announced dates for many Town Hall meetings. Blog #8 has an attachment with all the dates for these Town Hall meetings. Other items of interest are:

  • A Public Hearing and a first reading of an ordinance adopting by reference a revised Animal Control Ordinance fee schedule.

  • Discussion of a deep green discount for entities that provide security for the implementation financing of the Marin Clean Energy program. If all entities provide security of the loan each entities' portion of the loan would be relative to their portion of their population and use of energy within the new MEA. Thus the amount of actual dollars secured to the loan by Fairfax would be less than $50,000 and would function as a bridge loan until such time that the MEA started collected revenues from rate payers in the MEA.

  • Discussion and consideration of an ordinance expanding Fairfax's Tobacco Control Ordinance to include certain multi-unit apartment buildings

For the complete agenda go to this link: