- Interview and appointment of candidate to serve as the Fairfax representative to the Marin Commission on Aging for a three-year term to June 30, 2012
- Presentation by Ritter Center regarding their “Art Houses of Marin” project
- A presentation by Jason Dow, General Manager of the Central Marin Sanitation District regarding a proposal to create a food waste to energy project at the Central Marin Sanitation facility in San Rafael. Commercial food waste would be delivered by garbage haulers to the site and converted into energy.
- A First Reading of an Ordinance to repeal and replace Town Code Chapter 8.36 regulating the removal of trees
- Discussion and consideration of approving the purchase and installation of a siren for the Cascade neighborhood. The siren will alert residents of a fire, flood or other emergency.
- Discussion and consideration of amendments to the Tobacco Ordinance
- Report of the status of the General Plan Update and Specific Plan process
- Discussion and consideration of adopting Mission, Vision, and Core Values for the Town
For a complete agenda of the June 3, 2009 Town Council Meeting please click: http://www.townoffairfax.org/TownCouncil/TownCouncilPacket/