Friday, June 20, 2008

Blog #17 - Capital Project Updates

There will be a lot of activity this summer in Fairfax related to the continuing flood recovery projects (FEMA) and Measure K funded projects. See below for details of already scheduled projects and projects coming soon.

Center Boulevard - This project is substantially complete. However, the existing driveways have created some difficulties for turning vehicles. As a result, the driveways will be widened about one foot on each side and the radii of the curbs will be increased to make it easier to turn in and out. In order to do this, we need to move some irrigation lines and slightly reduce the amount of new landscaping. The final design will still have a traffic calming effect and will facilitate better flow in and out of the driveways.

Pastori Storm Drain Replacement – Bay Pacific Pipelines, Inc. will be replacing the existing 24 inch storm drain pipe under Pastori Avenue with a 48 inch pipe. The project will begin at the south end near the creek on June 23, 2008 and will work towards Sir Francis Drake. Work should be completed by September 30, 2008. Traffic delays should be expected in the area. Some properties in the area will experience periods of water and sewer shut downs, however, affected owners will be notified in advance.

Creek Road Bridge Bank Stabilization – Team Ghilotti has been awarded the contract to install new materials to stabilize the creek bank under Creek Road Bridge. The project will be completed between July 15 and October 15, 2008. Once the work is completed, Creek Road Bridge will once again be open to traffic.

Other projects coming this summer:

300 Olema - Creek Restoration Project
2008 Street Resurfacing (Mono, Inyo, Main, Hillside, and Spring)
San Rafael Bicycle Corridor Study
Parkade Circulation Study

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Blog #16 Fairfax Festival

The Fairfax Festival was a huge success this year and there are many people to thank for this success.

Richard Pedamonte was the Chair of the Fairfax Festival Committee and I am taking this opportunity to personally thank him for organizing such a great event. The whole Festival Committee deserves recognition for such a smooth event.

Many thanks to all the sponsors of the Festival including: Bradley Real Estate, Delano's IGA, Grilly's, KFOG, Lagunitas Brewing Company, Marin County Bicycle Coalition, Marin IJ, Marin Sanitary Service, North Bay Bohemian, Toyota Marin and the Town of Fairfax.

The Festival began with the re-opening of Center Blvd. with a ribbon cutting ceremony performed by the Mayor and Council Members. The parade began shortly after the ribbon cutting ceremony and it was great to see all five council members walking in the parade together. There were some fantastic floats this year and many thanks to so many people who took the time to make such original and unique floats.

The Eco Fest was also a huge success and many thanks to Larry Bragman, Holly Dines and many others for making the Eco Fest both educational and fun. There were many hands on projects for children and adults at the Pavilion and the organic spirits were top notch.

Yvonne Roberts was very instrumental in creating the children's play area on the ball field this year complete with a magic show and gigantic bubble show, bounce houses, arts and crafts and more.

Rudy Contratti was the music director and was able to convince some really great bands to come to Fairfax. They did not disappoint as the music this year was outstanding at all the venues. Thank you Rudy.

A special thanks goes out to the Town of Fairfax Public Works and Police Departments for working overtime and on the weekends preparing for the event and working the Festival.

Tonight is the Farmer's Market so please come out to Bolinas Park for more fun and food. There is also a Town Council Meeting tonight. There are no shortage of activities in our Town!!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Blog #15 - Council Meeting Summary of June 4th

The Town Council Took the following actions on June 4th:

Re-appointed members of the Open Space Committee and appointed Shoshana Perry and Sam Perry as Co-Artists in Residence.

Received a report from the Town's outside auditing firm on the Town's fiscal year 2006-07 audit.

Heard a presentation from PG&E representative regarding PG&E's perspective on the formation of the Marin Clean Energy JPA.

Awarded the low bid for the Creek Road Bridge Bank Rehabilitation project which will begin construction in mid July and will be completed before October 15th.

Adopted a resolution urging the cessation of customs enforcement sweeps in our community

Opened a public hearing on the Town's Flood Mitigation Plan and took public testimony.

Open Space Committee requested and the Town Council approved the designation of the Ben Ross property at the end of Toyon Road (approximately 11 acres) be a priority for acquisition as open space.

Adopted a resolution supporting the withdrawal and redeployment of United States Troops from Iraq and in opposition to expansion of the War to Iran.

The next Town Council Meeting is June 18th. One of the items the Council will be considering is accepting Upper Scenic Road as a Town maintained road.