Wednesday, June 06, 2007

FEMA Approves appeal

In a letter just received from FEMA, they accepted our explanation for the emergency contract for street debris and mud removal which took place in the hours after the 12/31/05 3 a.m. flood, and are approving our appeal for $220,245!

The letter says “FEMA has determined that with this additional information, the contracts met the criteria for Federal Time and Material contracts. Therefore, the appeal is approved. FEMA will prepare PW 1845 Version 1 for an additional $220,245 for eligible costs.”

They were questioning our rationale for not going out to public bid on having the mud removed from the streets and we argued that due to the emergency nature of the situation, we had to use the contractor that was available and could do the work immediately. It has taken since August 2006 to resolve this appeal in the Town's favor.