Monday, April 30, 2012

Blog #13 - Ross Valley Flood Protection Meeting

The Flood Control District is hosting a community meeting on May 5, 2012 from 10-12 NOON at Sir Francis Drake High School, 1327 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. in the Student Union.

This meeting is being held to discuss where we have been, where we are, and where we are headed with flood protection for the entire Ross Valley watershed.  

Copies of the First Annual Report on the Ross Valley Flood Protection and Watershed Program will be available at the meeting and also online at 

The agenda for the meeting can be found at:

Friday, April 06, 2012

Blog #12 - Town Council Adopts 2010-2030 General Plan

Town Council Adopts 2010-2030 General Plan

On April 4, 2012, the Town Council approved an “Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration”, and adopted findings regarding environmental effects (per the California Environmental Quality Act, aka “CEQA”) for the new Town of Fairfax 2010-30 General Plan, while at the same time formally adopting the new 2010-30 General Plan (GP).

The new 2010-30 GP is a blueprint for the future of the Town over the next twenty years. The implemented of the new 2010-30 GP will be monitored and assisted by a newly formed group of citizens convened as the General Plan Implementation Committee (or “GPIC”).

Among other actions, the new 2010-30 GP calls for the establishment of a public process to create a new Town Center Plan; Zoning Changes to preserve the historic character of the downtown while incorporating second floor residential uses “as a right” – in order to reduce automobile use and encourage public transit and bicycle and pedestrian transportation modes; and the creation of a Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emission.

The new 2010-30 GP can be viewed on the Town’s website at:

Other actions taken at the Town Council January 11, 2012 meeting:

• Appointed Susan Adams to the Open Space Committee;

• Appointed Mallory Geitheim and Dominic Phillips to the Cittaslow Committee;

• Adopted a Resolution releasing the plans and specifications for the Oak Manor Sidewalk Improvement Project;

• Approved a MOU between the Marin Agricultural Institute (Marin Farmers Market) and the Town for the 2012 Farmers Market;

• Adopted a Resolution approving the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration, adopting findings regarding environmental effects and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Fairfax 2010-30 General Plan, and adopting the Fairfax 2010-30 General Plan;

• Preliminary approved the expansion of the Ross Valley Fire Department JPA to include the Town of Ross;

• Approved the selection of the Bank of Marin for Town banking services and directed staff to return on May 2, 2012 with an Agreement between the Bank of Marin and the Town to provide banking services;

• Conducted a public hearing on the Mid-year budget review for the current 2011/12 fiscal year.The Mid-Year budget review report showed that all expenditures were in line with revenues and appropriated funds adopted by the Town Council. Departments continue to be very frugal with spending and are spending within the adopted budget ;

• Adopted Resolution 12-23 opposing the proposed Ross Valley Sanitary District rate increase and Proposition 218 election;

• Appointed Council Member Larry Bragman to the Ross Valley Sanitary District Feasibility Study Steering Committee

Other notes and announcements:

• Spring Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 7th, 10 a.m., children 8-years and younger, Bolinas Park followed at Noon by a special “Hop the Shops” Chamber of Commerce event with hidden eggs and prizes

• Benefit Concert for Fairfax Open Space, Saturday, April 21st, the stage in Peri Park, 2 – 6 p.m., with THE ELEVEN, San Francisco’s premiere Grateful Dead Tribute Band, Donations Encouraged

• Fairfax Food Pantry – Saturdays 9-11 at the Fairfax Community Church, 2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, volunteers needed

• One Vacancy for a Community member on the newly formed Cittaslow Committee

• Vacancy on the Open Space Committee to complete an unexpired term to June 30, 2012

• Vacancy on the Fairfax Youth Commission for Ross Valley youth between 14 and 19 years of age

• Vacancy for a Youth Commissioner to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission for a 2-year term

The next Town Council meeting will be May 2, 2012 at 7:00 PM at the Women’s Club.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012