Monday, September 12, 2011

Blog #24 - Town Council Sets Master Fees and Discusses Smart Meters

Master Fees

The Town Council adopted the master fee schedule for the next twelve months on September 7, 2011. Only a few fees were changed from last year. The significant change was the banner installation fee was reduced from $456 to $250. Other fee changes include: Basic Sign Permit Fee was raised from $88 to $100 and variance fees were raised to reflect actual costs. Residents and businesses can review the entire master fee schedule at the Town’s home page with a link to the Finance Department.

Smart Meters

This item put on the agenda by Mayor Bragman was a discussion and request to delegate authority to the Town to register residents on PG&E’s SmartMeter Opt-Out List. After some discussion by the Council it was agreed to direct staff to collect the emails that residents can volunteer to send the Town so that the Town has a record of the customer’s request to PG&E to opt-out. The overall matter of whether SmartMeters will be installed in Town by PG&E is being handled through the California Public Utilities Commission. PG&E, in a letter from their Attorney which was written a few weeks ago states that there will be no installation until next calendar year and there will be notice to the Town before any such installations occur. Please be aware that PG&E is replacing old meters with SmartMeters in Fairfax because PG&E does not manufacture the analogue meters anymore.

Other actions taken at the Town Council September 7, 2011 meeting:

• Appointed Merrell Maschino to serve another three year term on the Volunteer Board.

• Appointed Jonathan Bornstein to serve a three year term on the Design Review Board.

• Approved Town Council minutes from the July 13and July 27 meetings with changes requested by Mayor Bragman;

• Accepted the monthly financial report for June 2011.

• Adopted a resolution proclaiming September 2011 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

• Adopted a resolution to extend the Marin County Abandoned Vehicle Authority Vehicle Registration Fee until April 2022.

• Adopted a resolution setting the living wage pursuant to the annual review requirements of Section 8.56.020 of the Town Code.

• Adopted a resolution approving the Police Department Plan to allocate funds for the Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) program.

• Heard a presentation from a Marin General Hospital spokesperson Jon Friedenberg regarding the future plans for upgrading the hospital campus to meet seismic requirements.

• Adopted a resolution approving criteria that was crafted by the Open Space Committee when evaluating potential open space properties to be purchased by the Town.
Other notes and announcements:

• Chipper Days scheduled for clearing the weekend of September 10 & 11; removal and chipping on Monday, September 12th, in the Scenic/Tamalpais, Deer Park and Cascade neighborhoods

• Fairfax Food Pantry – Saturdays 10-12 Noon at the Fairfax Community Church,1000 Sir Francis Drake Blvd

• Vacancy on the Fairfax Youth Commission for Ross Valley youth between 14 and 19 years of age

• Town Picnic sponsored by the Volunteers for Fairfax on Sunday, September 18th, Noon to 5 p.m.

• Workshop on SmartMeter Opt-Out options at the California Public Utilities Commission, September 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 505 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco

The next Town Council meeting will be October 5, 2011 at 7:00 PM at the Women’s Club.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Blog #23 - Adopted Town Budget for FY 2011/12

Dear Fairfax Community:

After many months and some difficult decisions the Town Council has adopted the Fiscal Year 2011/12 Town Budget. Operating and capital budgets were cut, employees agreed to major concessions in pay (reduced retirement benefits paid by the Town) and the Town had to borrow $226,000 from its unrestricted reserves (Dry Period Fund). While the budget is balanced there are still challenges ahead. Thank you for your support of the Town and all the programs and services it provides. You can access the operating and capital improvement budgets at this link: