Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Blog #46 - Election Day, Town Council Meeting


Today is election day and the polls are open until 8 PM. On the ballot in Fairfax are three Town Council Seats and Measure I (Renewal of the Municipal Services Tax - aka Measure F). There are seven candidates running for the three seats, and two are incumbents. In a small town like Fairfax every vote will count so I encourage all registered voters to make sure they vote. The election results may not be certified right away. If the number of votes separating the candidates (or the yes and no votes) is too close to call then the election will not be certified for as many as two weeks. I will have an update on the election results in my blog tomorrow.

Measure I requires a 2/3 majority so every vote will count in Fairfax.


There is a Town Council meeting tomorrow November 4th. An appointment to the Volunteer Board, the quarterly finance report and a letter to Attorney General Jerry Brown regarding Sutter Health are some of the issues the Council will be considering. See the agenda for the meeting below.